The Comprehensive Guide to Job Postings

In the search to hire talent to fill an organization’s vacant roles, Human Resources and leadership need to partner together to develop a strategic plan. In that plan, emphasize the importance of crafting appealing job postings. Also apply deliberate attention to the quality and content of those postings.  A job posting is meant to capture the attention of the job seeker and entice the person to apply to the vacant position. This can be challenging for a variety of reasons.  The most prominent being a job seeker scrolls through a myriad of openings trying to determine which job posting(s) is the right one for them to apply.  

A job seeker’s goals are fairly standard. They want to find a role that meets their compensation, work-life balance and skills needs.  If key information is omitted, or a message is incorrectly communicated, prospective talent might not even apply for that role. Or any that the company offers in the future for that matter.  Companies cannot afford to miss out on valuable talent so keep these essential items discussed below in the forefront when creating job postings.

Utilizing Your ATS

Imagine yourself as a job seeker. There are dozens of job boards that have thousands of job postings to sift through so use the company’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to post to the most relevant and niche job boards for the role. What will trigger frustration for a job seeker?  Job posts that share minimal information about the role, pay and benefits which does not give them direction as to whether the role will be fulfilling to them. What will catch the job seeker’s attention to motivate them to read through the whole job posting? 

Casual language mixed with formal speech can be a fine line when balancing mundane info with captivating content. Ultimately, job post writers need to focus on what will convince the job seeker to submit an application for the role by personifying themselves as a prospective job seeker.  Keeping those ideas in mind while writing the job description, and in particular thinking like a job seeker, will make an impact in writing job descriptions that are relevant to the job seeker population. 

Accurate Job Postings

Most job descriptions that do not catch the interest of job seekers have content that is lacking something. One of the biggest faux pas of a poorly written job post is that it does not accurately or clearly describe the role of the position. Avoid jargon and buzz phrases that fluff the job post but do not provide clarity.  Put yourself back into the role of job seeker – do not assume that the job seeker knows exactly what the role entails because you, the job description writer, know.  Human Resources and management can fall victim to the familiarity challenge. 

Job description writers are ingrained in the work culture and have heightened understanding of the role and the culture. This makes it challenging to write for those who have zero familiarity with the company and its culture, and specifically the vacant role.  It is helpful to those who write the job description to solicit feedback from other employees. This ensures that the content gives an understanding of what the role entails for those without inside company knowledge. Include the details of the role so the job seeker understands the daily, monthly and annual goals for excellent performance. 

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Job posts can often include subtle and not-so-subtle language components that deter groups of people from applying.  Make sure job posts use gender neutral language.  Men can be preschool teachers, and women can be engineering managers, but often those roles are innately perceived as fulfilled by a specific gender.  Gender Decoder  can be a useful resource to scan for unconscious bias towards groups. Individuals with disabilities are capable of employment but are often underrecruited. The ADA offers a handy resource to guide language so job posts are inclusive for individuals with disabilities. Ensure that individuals of all ages are encouraged to apply. Thoroughly check job posts to ensure that a few undesirable and non-inclusive words do not repel a large number of prospective applicants.   

Engaging Job Postings

While a job description should be factual of the role and include basic facets of information, the post needs to be engaging and reflective of the company culture.  A job seeker is looking for a place to belong while doing the job. This is recruiting. Recruit prospective job seekers by sharing about the company’s purpose and culture.  Why does the company do what they do?  How  do they focus on their employees and customers?  What makes the company so special that the job seeker must apply?  If those questions are not answered within the job post, the higher the chance of prospects skipping over the post. 


A job posting is an advertisement for a vacancy within an organization. It is meant to be a persuasive piece to entice job seekers to apply to it.  Careful attention must be given to making the job posting attractive. Time is of the essence for Human Resources. Although it might take more time to write a thoroughly inclusive job post free of bias which includes a plethora of relevant details about the role.  The time it takes to write in such detail will be worth it to attract additional qualified candidates.

Carefully written job posts will lead to more hires. These hires have higher employee satisfaction due to the lack of “surprises” when they are actually doing the job in the culture they thought they applied to.  Happier employees lead to increased retention. Taking more time to write a detailed and comprehensive job post can save money and time. New employees who feel their role matches what they applied for are less likely to leave. This decreases the need to hire for that same role again in the near future.


If your organization is unsure of how to create engaging job posts that attract candidates and lead to happy hires, contact ExactHire to discuss Full Service Hiring. Let our team of SHRM certified professionals write job posts that are engaging and inclusive. Those posts will then be promoted on nationally known job boards to reach a multitude of job seekers. As applications are submitted, our team will screen the applicants in accordance with your preferences for the role, conduct initial phone interviews, and then hand off qualified candidates to you for a final review and hiring decision!

Last Minute Seasonal Hiring

‘Tis the season for seasonal hiring! Seasonal hiring recruitment should start in late August or early September for the holiday season. However, it is not too late to find talent if you notice that staffing needs are increasing now within your organization. Want a quick fix to streamline your seasonal hiring efforts?

ExactHire Full Service Hiring can jump start the process within a week!


Retail, warehouse/logistics, and food service are the best known industries to utilize seasonal employees. Those industries are faced with an influx of additional sales, events, and distribution around holidays.  In December 2021, US department stores had sales of $17.1 billion dollars (around 13% of total revenue for 2021), according to the United States Census Bureau.

The seasonal need for additional help in small, medium and large businesses cannot be ignored. Businesses need the additional support to not only meet the demand, but to deliver stellar customer service that will leave customers wanting more after the holiday season. 

Here are some tips to help fulfill seasonal hiring needs.

Seasonal Recruitment

Recruiting for seasonal talent takes a slightly different twist. Seasonal hiring is fiercely competitive so check to see what competitors are offering and surpass those offerings if the budget allows. Consider the following:

  • When writing the job listing, clearly state that the role is temporary but distinguish that pay is competitive.
  • Make sure that job requirements for the seasonal role are realistic. There is no need to require a college degree for specific roles such as delivery or retail associate.   
  • Particularly for seasonal full-time employees, consider what benefit options can be afforded to those workers.
  • Employees can be loyal customers too. If there is an end of the season bonus or employee discounts, state that.
  • Specify the specific times for each shift. If there is an expectation of employees to work overtime, include that in the requirements. Some people can work only weekends while some can only work during the day or night.
  • Reach out to schools and universities. High school and college students can help fill weekend shifts.
  • Stay-at-home parents can help fulfill staffing needs during the school day while their children are in school.
  • Do not ignore retired job seekers who would like extra money in the pursuit of additional socialization opportunities.


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Raise Awareness

Get the word out that your organization is hiring. While posting job ads on your organization’s website, social media, and nationally known job boards is common, here are some less common (and often more effective) ways to promote your opening:

  •  Ask current employees for referrals, and find a way to reward them for hired referrals.
  • Find niche job boards focused on jobs within your company’s industry. 
  • Save valuable time and money by automating job postings to multiple job boards. Use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automatically post job listings to job boards, allowing you to avoid having to manually enter and monitor a listing on each and every job site.

Seasonal Employee Onboarding

After finding seasonal talent that will help your company thrive, extend an offer to new employees and quickly start the onboarding process. You can automate and speed up parts of the onboarding process with the use of employee onboarding software. Here are a few examples of the items that onboarding software can help with:

  • Collect essential employee eligibility verification documents efficiently.
  • Collect employee contact information.
  • Provision employees with needed work clothing and equipment.

But onboarding is not just collecting documents and completing forms; it is welcoming and acclimating new employees. Make them feel welcome and an essential part of the team even though their tenure is limited. Be sure to:

  • Provide essential training in a timely manner.
  • Solicit their questions and concerns and provide direction to them.
  • Response to their needs, and check in with them regularly to make sure they are learning and applying their skills.

Although some seasonal employees go into the role knowing it is not permanent, nothing is certain. It is not uncommon for a seasonal employee who was hired for a temporary role to become the next permanent employee within that organization. This makes it all the more important to provide an efficient and enjoyable onboarding experience.

Seasonal Offboarding  

As with any employee departure, departing employees can share their perspectives with others. Negative word-of-mouth can impact future recruitment and sales. Here are a few tips:

  • Be gracious when the employee’s term is up.
  • Thank them for their willingness to be a part of the team.
  • Identify which seasonal employees are interested in working at your company for the long-term.
  • Communicate with the seasonal talent that you would like to work with again.

Consider the value of seasonal talent beyond the season. This is talent that the organization has already seen in action, so invite them to apply when a “right-fit” permanent job opening exists. An added bonus of transitioning a seasonal employee into a full-time role is that the learning curve for the new role is greatly reduced.  


Seasonal employees are a valuable asset to an organization. Hiring seasonal workers reduces overall payroll costs when compared to hiring permanent workers. But more than that, they provide support for full-time and part-time permanent employees which can help reduce stress levels for full-time employee permanent employees and increase company morale. 

In addition to providing essential support, seasonal employees offer new perspectives that can be shared with existing employees and management to enhance viability in the consumer market.

If you need assistance with seasonal hiring needs, now or later, reach out to ExactHire to learn more about Full Service Hiring.  Let our team of SHRM certified strategists write, promote and screen applicants to help you fulfill your hiring needs.  

Can Your Company Benefit from Text Recruiting?

Trouble Hiring? Hire our team of SHRM-certified strategists to take on your hiring efforts and deliver qualified candidates to your doorstep!

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Traditional recruitment strategies can often feel antiquated and slow, especially when attempting to reach the younger, tech-savvy generation. This is where text recruiting comes into play. As the name suggests, text recruiting involves using SMS or messaging platforms to engage with potential candidates. But is it right for your company? Let’s dive deep to find out.

The Evolution of Text Recruiting

Text recruiting isn’t entirely new, but its adoption rate has soared in recent years. The proliferation of mobile devices means that the vast majority of people now have a smartphone within arm’s reach almost 24/7. This omnipresence of mobile devices provides recruiters with a golden opportunity to communicate with potential candidates instantly.

Why Text Recruiting?

  1. Instantaneous Communication: Text messages have an incredibly high open rate, often as much as 98%. Moreover, most text messages are read within minutes of receipt. This speed and efficiency can be a game-changer in the recruitment world where the early bird often gets the worm.
  2. Increased Engagement: Because texting is a personal mode of communication, candidates may feel more comfortable and engaged in the conversation. This engagement can lead to richer conversations and a better understanding of the candidate.
  3. Versatility: Text recruiting isn’t just about sending a job description. It’s a versatile tool that can be used for scheduling interviews, sending reminders, providing updates, and even onboarding.
  4. Reaching the Modern Candidate: Gen Z and younger Millennials, who are now making up a substantial portion of the workforce, are digital natives. They’ve grown up with texting as a primary mode of communication. For many of them, texting feels more natural than email or phone calls.

The Potential Challenges

Like any tool, text recruiting has its challenges:

  1. Privacy Concerns: Texting can feel invasive to some. Companies must ensure that they have the candidate’s explicit permission before starting a text-based conversation. It’s essential to be respectful of boundaries.
  2. Miscommunication: Texting lacks the nuances of voice or face-to-face communication. It’s easy for messages to be misinterpreted, so clarity is paramount.
  3. Keeping Professionalism: Texts are often informal, but recruiters should maintain a level of professionalism. This includes avoiding slang, ensuring correct grammar, and being respectful of the candidate’s time.

How Can Your Company Benefit?

  1. Speed Up the Recruitment Process: Given the immediacy of texting, the hiring process can be expedited. Instant communications can reduce the time between initial contact and the interview, giving your company a competitive edge.
  2. Better Candidate Experience: A smooth, efficient recruitment process can enhance the candidate’s experience, leaving a positive impression of your company, even if they don’t land the job.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Texts are typically cheaper than phone calls, especially if recruiting internationally. Over time, the savings can add up.
  4. Broader Reach: While not everyone checks their email frequently or answers unknown phone calls, most people read their text messages. This broad reach can ensure that your message is seen by the maximum number of potential candidates.

Key Takeaways

The world of recruitment is evolving, and text recruiting has emerged as a powerful tool in this landscape. For companies willing to embrace this change, the benefits can be substantial. Faster communication, increased engagement, and a more modern approach can give your company the edge in the competitive hiring marketplace.

However, it’s vital to approach text recruiting with a strategy in mind. Respect the candidate’s privacy, maintain professionalism, and use clear communication to ensure the best outcomes. If leveraged correctly, text recruiting can be a game-changer for your company.

In conclusion, while text recruiting might not replace traditional recruitment methods entirely, it certainly offers a complementary approach that can lead to improved results. As the workforce demographics shift and technology continues to advance, staying updated with such trends isn’t just beneficial – it’s essential. So, is it time for your company to tap into the power of text recruiting?

8 Ways You Can Improve Your Hiring Experience

Your company’s ability to grow and scale is tied to your ability to attract, onboard, and retain top talent. And your hiring experience matters. As you carve out goals and objectives for the remainder of this year and prepare for a growth path in 2024, consider analyzing your current hiring process. Then, tap into these insights and methods for improving your hiring experience and results.

Recognize Why a Great Hiring Experience Is Important

Hiring these days is challenging. Competition is fierce as the most talented individuals seek out the best companies. And your methods for attracting them have to stand out from the rest. A recent IBM report suggested that those candidates who have a positive hiring experience are 38% more likely to accept the job offer. 

It’s the experience, including the application process, the communications, and the interviewing methods, that make the difference. The better your hiring teams are at executing a positive candidate experience, the better your results will be. And it starts with prioritizing the experience and redefining your official hiring process

Application Process

Look for ways to streamline your application process. Consider crafting more transparent job descriptions to eliminate wrong-fit candidates. Be precise in your application about requesting information that isn’t already present on the resume. And make every effort to make it a seamless digital experience to complete and submit your company application.

Resume Screening

Drill down on your current process for screening resumes. Look at what your hiring managers are placing the most value on with each candidate. And verify that those metrics are still valid in your current state of operations. Use this list of factors as inspiration for exploring ways to streamline and improve your applicant screening values.

  • Job Experience
  • Educational Experience
  • Soft and Hard Skills
  • Formatting and Applicant Submission Direction

It’s also suggested that you adopt a coordinated rating or scoring system for resumes received. And a great applicant tracking system (ATS) can be instrumental in sifting through resumes fairly.

Candidate Communications

Another way to improve your hiring experience is to adopt methods for more efficient candidate communication. Applicants who are constantly informed about their status and your process will have a better experience. For example, share when the application is received, considerations are in progress, and candidate shortlists are created.

And your process should include a thorough method for the what, when, and how you communicate. 

  • Map out your applicant communication touchpoints.
  • Be transparent about communicating process timelines.
  • Share regular updates about the candidate’s status.
  • Ensure you’re answering all the candidates’ questions.
  • Personalize your communications to each applicant.
  • Use email, text, and phone calls for communications.
  • Always ask for applicant feedback.

In-Person Interviews

One of the most frustrating aspects of the hiring experience for candidates is the interview phase. Whether you’re conducting your company’s interviews in person or virtually, take time to analyze how effective and positive your interviewing processes are. Consider these improvements and suggestions to make this step more impactful for you and your applicants.

  • Involve more than one interviewer during the interview process.
  • Keep your interviewing process to a two-week turnaround time or less.
  • Get team leaders involved in the interviewing process for better on-the-job insights.
  • Make sure your interview questions are providing value to the evaluation process.
  • Provide candidates with opportunities to ask questions.
  • Communicate the next steps and timelines honestly.
  • Ask for feedback and areas of improvement.

Reference and Background Checks

Streamline your candidate hiring experience by cutting down on the time it takes to properly vet them. This includes any additional steps in your hiring procedure relating to skills testing, employee assessments, reference calling, and background checks. When these elements take too long to execute, applicants begin to feel interview fatigue. Don’t eliminate these necessities, though. Instead, consider these insights for making these steps more efficient and less time-consuming:

  • Choose the best-fit screening providers.
  • Leverage every available opportunity for online execution.
  • Create deadlines for completing these tasks.
  • Communicate the results as the tasks are completed.

Bonus Tips for Enhancing Your Hiring Experience

Explore these additional methods for improving your hiring experience and bottom-line onboarding results. These represent unique layers and touchpoints that can significantly boost the positive aspects of your current hiring processes.

  • Better Company Culture 
  • Employer Branding
  • More Transparency
  • Mobile-Friendly Apps
  • Shortened Applications
  • Creating Unique Experiences
  • Write Better Job Descriptions
  • Communicate Using Social Media

Trust ExactHire

Today’s hiring landscape is different, presenting new challenges for hiring managers and companies looking to attract and retain top talent. However, exploring ways to improve your candidate hiring experience can have incredible benefits and hiring ROI. Consider these insights for evaluating and improving your hiring experience. And when you need more guidance with ATS, assessment testing, onboarding procedures, and hiring solutions, trust the expert team of HR and recruiting professionals here at ExactHire. Let’s connect and start improving your candidate experiences and streamline your hiring efforts!

Skills Based Hiring

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference

Another important concept our SHRM certified strategists addressed was the topic of Skills Based Hiring. Human Resources professionals know it is not easy to fill job openings. Currently, there are approximately 10 million vacant jobs in the United States. Where are all the candidates? That is a question that cannot easily be answered. However, there is a recruitment strategy ready for utilization to attract more qualified candidates, and that is skills based hiring.

Skills based hiring is the concept of screening and evaluating candidates based on their knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) and performance potential. This would be instead of focusing on the degree, if any, that they earned and their past job history. Skills based hiring is a way to help organizations fill high-volume and high-turnover positions in particular. It can also be applicable for use in other roles too though. Skills based hiring offers an organization a way to fill vacant roles while exponentially expanding its applicant pool by allowing previously excluded applicants the opportunity to validate their ability to perform in sought after job openings. 

Addressing Concerns

Skills based hiring can generate some nervousness within an organization. In a sense, it shatters the philosophy of “We have always done it this way.” believed by many when it comes to the evolution from traditional hiring practices. Changing processes, and especially mindsets, can make a positive impact and promote growth within a company. Shifting from traditional hiring to skills based hiring takes planning, research, communication and teamwork. For major change to occur in the workplace, senior and executive leadership must champion the cause with Human Resources. Their support and investment will then flow to hiring managers who will be the ones responsible for applying the concept. As buy-in occurs, the momentum shifts, and the ability to hire focusing on skills begins.

How to Get Started with Skills Based Hiring

Now that the organization is ready to progress with skills based hiring, what is next? In partnership with leadership and departments, Human Resources must identify and itemize the particular skills that are essential to perform the functions of the roles in the company. What skills are needed for the company to operate at high productivity? Are there skills our current employees have that contribute to the company’s success?  What skills do we need to maintain or improve operations? Are there skills we’re lacking? Composing an inventory of skills takes time.

Analyze existing job descriptions to identify essential components. Examine requirements closely. While certain fields (ex. Healthcare and Education) require specific credentials for various roles, determine if other roles must have certain criteria required. For management, sales, or service roles, does the job really need a bachelor degree? A degree is not an automatic indicator for success in a role, but job-specific demonstrated skills can be indicators of potential success. 

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Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

After a thorough internal skills assessment, it is time for an organization to take the initiative. They need to reduce the company’s gaps by filling vacant roles. Job posting, when doing skills based hiring, takes diligence to communicate what is essential while removing what is not while using language that is inclusive. Careful wording is essential. According to LinkedIn, job posts that highlight “responsibilities” instead of “requirements” get 14% more applications per view. It takes meticulous review and thought to remove any conscious and unconscious bias. Within the job description, skills based hiring shifts focus from degree(s) attained and experience by targeting potential applicants who meet an itemized list of specific competencies and skills required and preferred for optimal performance.

When creating a skills based job listing, stakeholders must identify the competencies needed for job success. Then you should rank those in priority order. Specify deal breakers by classifying which skills are “must have” and which skills are “would like to have”. Doing so will still filter unqualified applicants but yet not close the door on applicants who have some but not all of the skills listed for success.  According to Harvard Business Review, women will not apply to a job listing if they do not meet 100% of the criteria while men usually apply after meeting about 60% of the criteria. Skills based hiring is meant to identify qualified candidates who can successfully do the job so ensure that required and preferred skills are carefully and accurately labeled. If criteria is labeled incorrectly, an organization will miss out on qualified candidates and impede cultural growth and diversity. 

Helpful Accessories for Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

HR professionals and hiring managers should use their applicant tracking system (ATS) to post their skills based job listings to operate efficiently and select a variety of job boards to post to in one attempt.  As HR and hiring managers screen candidates, communicate quickly with applicants to increase engagement and before they get hired by a competitor. Text or email to set up an initial phone screen. In the phone screen, ask questions which allow the interviewee to share past and current experiences that elaborate upon and validate employer sought skills. Create specific skills based interview guides in the ATS to standardize the interview process. Focus on the goal of finding the right talent instead of the intricacies of degrees earned or not earned. According to McKinsey, hiring for skills is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring for education.


Skills based hiring offers many benefits. It promotes equity for people in their desire to earn a high-paying wage.  Millions of job seekers who were previously overlooked or ineligible for consideration can attain better financial stability in higher paying roles which were previously unattainable to them due to degree requirements. According to LinkedIn, employees without a bachelor degree tend to stay 34% longer than employees without a degree. Organizations benefit with an expanded talent pool to relieve employee shortages and see an increase in employee loyalty. Workforce diversity increases which enhances productivity. Skills based hiring is a win-win for organizations and job seekers. If you would like to see skills based hiring in action with ExactHire’s Full Service Hiring, please reach out to us to discuss how this service can save you time and money.

HR Conference Takeaways: I-9 Info

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference. Starting off this series is the importance of the I-9 Form.

What is an I-9 Form?

After working diligently to fill vacancies with key talent, Human Resources professionals are tasked with onboarding new team members efficiently. HR has a plethora of supportive responsibilities with the new hire. Welcoming them to their team and company as a whole, acclimate them to the environment, answer their questions, support their growth, and so on. Those duties put the “human” in “human resources”.  However, HR is tasked with compliance obligations that cannot be ignored. One of the most important tasks that HR is responsible for is verifying the new hire’s eligibility to work through the use of the Eligibility Verification Form (I-9). This process is required by the federal government. If it is not completed or completed incorrectly, penalties may be incurred. 


Here are some pieces of key info that can guide HR professionals about the employment eligibility and onboarding processes. Note: ExactHire does not provide legal counsel so please check with your company’s legal team regarding employee work eligibility questions. 


If a company hires individual(s) who are not legally eligible to work, or if the company maintains employment of employees whom they know are not legally eligible to work, the company may be fined. These fines are not pocket change. Penalties can range from $230 to $20,130 PER violation. Frequent violators tend to receive higher penalties. If there is a pattern of hiring unauthorized employees, employers may be subject to criminal penalties. HR professionals must be cognizant of which documents qualify as employee verification tools and complete the verification process accurately in a timely manner. It is possible that a new hire might provide several pieces of documentation that satisfy I-9 requirements. If this occurs, do not record more than is necessary. Have the employee select an acceptable document that meets List A or documents that meet List B and List C. 

Who Needs an I-9 Form?

Employers are required to maintain the I-9 for potential inspection for all current employees. When an employee is terminated or willingly leaves, an employer must keep the I-9 on file for at least three years from the date of hire or for one year after the employee is no longer hired, whichever is longer. This is where onboarding software is essential. Companies who use onboarding software have a secure means to collect confidential items securely and in a timely manner. They can also keep them organized to refer to when necessary. Messy handwriting on forms is no longer an issue when new hires can securely input personal data into the platform.  Keep in mind that within three days of a new employee’s start date, the I-9 must be completed and countersigned. Instead of chasing down people to complete the task, save time and money by automating.

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How to Properly Complete the I-9 Form

Let’s talk about the three day window on signing and countersigning the I-9 in more depth. The new hire must complete Section 1 of the I-9 by the end of the first day of employment. Once the new hire signs Section 1, the employer is now obligated (in most scenarios) to complete Section 2 within three days after the new hire’s first day of work. Weekends do count as business days if the company is operational over the weekend. Ambitious employees can complete the I-9 before their first day of work. As long as they have accepted the job offer for employment with the company. Companies should not start the I-9 process before hiring an employee though.

It is important to make sure that an employer is using the correct version of the I-9 at all times. The latest version of the I-9 was released August 1, 2023 and will be required for use starting November 1, 2023. A HR employee might be unsure if they are using the most recent version. Always check the version date which is listed in the bottom left corner. The version, previous to the new August one, which was released October 21, 2019 can be used through October 31, 2023.

Another perk of using onboarding software is having the form automatically updated within the platform so HR will know they are using the correct form. There is a Spanish I-9 form, but it is only for use by employers and employees in Puerto Rico.  If an organization has Spanish speaking employees who are not fluent in English, it is important to find a translator to assist in translating the English version and answering any questions the employee might have. 


A very handy and intuitive tool used in the employment verification process is E-Verify.  E-Verify is a web-based system that allows employers to confirm employees’ eligibility to work in the United States. This does not replace the I-9; however, it electronically confirms an employee’s information against millions of government records. When an employer uses E-Verify, it shows a bona fide effort to hire eligible workers. It provides an extra layer of reassurance to employers knowing they have taken additional measures to prevent the employment of unauthorized workers.


Finding key talent is challenging and full of competition.  After Human Resources completes the hiring process starting with Point A, an employer cannot forget about Point Z. Having a streamlined onboarding process that focuses on welcoming and acclimating new hires to the environment is crucial for retention. Spending time chasing new hires to complete paperwork is not cost effective nor does it demonstrate a “personal” aspect to the new hires.

It is important that organizations identify and understand the value of using onboarding software to automate tasks and shift focus to the human side of human resources. Simplify the employment verification process with the integration of E-Verify. While E-Verify is not a required tool for verification purposes, using an onboarding platform with E-Verify can offer so much more efficiency and simplicity. If you would like to learn more how ExactHire’s OnboardCentric, available with E-Verify, can boost your company’s productivity and save you money, reach out to us here or call us at 317.296.8000.


Key Strategies to Attract Top Talent


In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is a critical priority for companies striving for success. The ability to attract talented individuals not only enhances the overall performance of an organization but also contributes to its long-term growth and success. However, with the job market evolving rapidly, companies need to adopt innovative strategies to stand out and attract the best candidates. In this blog post, we will explore some key strategies that companies can employ to attract employees effectively.

If you have any trouble attracting top talent Full Service Hiring could be exactly what you need. Take the guesswork and hassle out of hiring and have our SHRM Certified strategists handle your hiring needs!

Build a Strong Employer Brand

Establishing a strong employer brand is crucial to attracting top talent. Potential employees want to work for companies that have a positive reputation and offer fulfilling experiences. Develop and communicate your company’s values, mission, and culture consistently across all channels, including your website, social media platforms, and job listings. Highlight employee testimonials and success stories to give candidates a glimpse into what it’s like to work for your organization. Cultivate a positive online presence, respond promptly to candidate inquiries, and leverage platforms such as Glassdoor to showcase your company’s strengths and engage with potential candidates.

Attract Top Talent Through Compensation and Benefits

In a competitive job market, offering competitive compensation and benefits is vital to attracting high-quality talent. Research industry standards and ensure that your compensation packages are on par or even surpass those of your competitors. Consider offering additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, flexible working arrangements, and professional development opportunities. Tailor your benefits to align with the needs and preferences of your target candidates to create a compelling package that sets your company apart from others.

Embrace Workplace Flexibility to Attract Top Talent

In recent years, workplace flexibility has become increasingly important to employees. Offering flexible working options, such as remote work or flexible hours, can be a significant draw for talented individuals seeking work-life balance. Companies that embrace flexibility demonstrate their trust in employees and their commitment to supporting their well-being. It also widens the talent pool, as it allows companies to attract candidates who may not be able to commit to traditional office-based roles. Implementing flexible work policies can be a win-win situation for both the company and its employees.


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Prioritize Employee Development and Growth

Top talent is often attracted to companies that invest in their employees’ development and offer opportunities for growth. Establish a robust performance management system that includes regular feedback, coaching, and clear career progression paths. Provide training and development programs to enhance employees’ skills and expand their knowledge. Offering mentorship programs and educational reimbursements can also signal your commitment to their professional growth. By demonstrating a genuine interest in your employees’ career advancement, you will attract ambitious individuals who value continuous learning and development.

Foster a Positive and Inclusive Work Environment

Creating a positive and inclusive work environment is essential for attracting employees from diverse backgrounds. Ensure that your company promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout its operations and culture. Implement policies that prevent discrimination and foster a sense of belonging for all employees. Encourage open communication, collaboration, and respect among team members. Celebrate diversity and offer opportunities for employees to share their experiences and perspectives. When potential candidates see a company that values diversity and inclusivity, they are more likely to be attracted and engaged.

Attract Top Talent Through Effective Recruitment Practices

In today’s digital age, companies must adapt their recruitment practices to connect with top talent effectively. Leverage social media platforms, professional networks, and online job boards to advertise open positions. Craft compelling job descriptions that highlight not only the required qualifications but also the company’s unique selling points. Streamline your application process to make it user-friendly and efficient. Embrace innovative recruitment methods, such as video interviews and skills assessments, to gain valuable insights into candidates’ abilities and potential fit within your organization.


Attracting top talent is a multifaceted challenge that requires a proactive and strategic approach. By building a strong employer brand, offering competitive compensation and benefits, embracing workplace flexibility, prioritizing employee development, fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, and engaging in effective recruitment practices, companies can position themselves as desirable employers and attract the best candidates in the market. Remember, attracting and retaining top talent is an ongoing effort that requires continuous evaluation and adaptation to remain competitive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

4 Tips For Better Job Candidates

Getting the best Job Candidates available is critical for a company’s success. Better employees means more efficiency, ingenuity, and thus better results. To ensure you are doing your do diligence in getting the best possible candidates, you should consider using ExactHire’s ATS to cross reference hundreds of candidates against various criteria, so you can guarantee getting the most qualified candidates every time!

One consistent characteristic about the job market is that it will have its ebbs and flows. During times of high job vacancies, job seekers possess a unique advantage to seek higher pay and/or additional benefits. When job vacancies are minimal, companies maintain the option to be more selective with pay and benefits as they filter through candidates to find the one who will be the best cultural fit. No matter the current hiring environment, there are ways organizations can improve the quality of candidates who apply. Here are four tips to implement in an organization’s hiring process to find better job candidates:


Create a simple application process to get better job candidates

Job seekers do not want to spend an exorbitant amount of time completing an online application. Ideally, an online application process should last five minutes or less. From the time the applicant starts the process to the time they click the button to submit. Human Resources professionals should take time to test the application and proceed through the content as if they are an actual applicant. From an applicant’s perspective, was the process cumbersome or simple?

Evaluate the questions included in the application. Can some or most questions be set as optional instead of being set as required? Which questions can be removed from the application? Do you really need to collect the applicant’s full address or the complete addresses, down to the zip codes, of past employers? Is it necessary to request references’ contact information at the time of application? Eliminating the muss of unnecessary questions will reduce the applicants’ fuss. 

Job seekers are often applying to jobs during work breaks, in between appointments and child care pick up, and even when stuck in traffic. The job application process must be quick and convenient. Make sure that the application process offers individuals the ability to apply on mobile phones and devices. TIme is of the essence to job seekers. Check your Applicant Drop Off report to get some insight, and do not ignore the message conveyed by the data.  The higher the drop off rate, the more likely it is for Human Resources to take action. It is important to use analytics to improve the application process. 


Craft accurately detailed job listings

When job seekers read through a job listing, they try to picture themselves in the role completing the listed responsibilities.  If the listing is vague, it is harder for a job seeker to imagine themselves in the role. Not enough detail will motivate the job seeker to skip applying. Communicate what the job entails and what qualities are needed by the person to be successful in the role. Integrate descriptions of company culture in the listing so the job seeker can get a feel for the work environment.  Specify if the role is remote, hybrid or onsite to eliminate questions.

Use bullets to identify key tasks and duties. Evaluate the level of education that is essential for success in the role. Is a bachelor degree really a requirement for the role? Some roles can be successfully completed by someone who has an associate degree or less but with the desired experience and skill set. Include any coveted benefits that differentiate the company from others such as unlimited or extended PTO, four-day work weeks, pensions, retirement matches, etc. 


Communicate with applicants

Starting when the applicant submits their application to an organization, communication should begin. Set up your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to send a personalized, automatic email to the applicant confirming that the application has been received by the company. No matter the tech savviness level, the job seeker gets reassurance that their application was officially received by the organization. The ideal hiring process, from application submission to offer extended and accepted, should take no more than 30 days.

The longer the process takes, the more likely an organization will lose candidates to competitors. Do not leave applicants wondering if they are still in consideration. If they are not in consideration, be kind, and let them know by sending a message template. Good ATS platforms will offer ways to use wildcards to “personalize” text and email templates without users taking the time to manually input names, job titles, etc. Applicants will have a better applicant experience if they receive updates, even if it is not the news they want to hear. Sending timely, personable updates to applicants will positively portray the company’s branding. Word of mouth can help or hinder a company so ensure that job seekers’ experiences applying to the company is worth sharing. 

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Boost your employee referral program

What better way can an organization expand its talent pool by reaching out to current employees to get their recommendations of talent? Current employees have a solid understanding of the work culture and what is needed to thrive. They can be excellent judges of who in their network could be an asset to the organization. If an organization does not have an employee referral program established, create one with a variety of benefits. Offer financial stipends to current employees if a referral is hired and stays for a company designated timeframe.

Gift cards, event tickets, company swag and additional PTO are other ways to reward employees for bringing talent to the organization. To make sure proper credit is given, include a question on the employment application asking who referred the job seeker to apply to the company. Employee experience matters here also. Do not overlook former employees as a referral source. Former employees can share their testimonials and recommend colleagues to apply to their past employer so reward them fairly.  


Share on Social Media To Get Better Job Candidates

Global internet users spend almost 2.5 hours daily on social media. Job seekers and individuals not actively looking for a job will scroll intentionally and aimlessly to whatever catches their attention. Post company jobs on social media platforms, and consider sponsoring job listings for additional traffic. Job seekers can land on companies’ corporate pages through scanning job listings on job boards so make social media buttons highly visible on the company’s website to entice viewers to follow.  Share QR codes of vacancies to give job seekers quick access to apply.  Even if a viewer does not find a role that they want to apply to, they might know of a stellar candidate and share the link with them. 


In a competitive job market, it is challenging to find talent so companies must find ways to make themselves, and their job openings, uniquely attractive to entice job seekers to apply. By accurately portraying the company as a culture welcoming to all, individuals are more likely to explore opportunities to start a career at the place. Companies must communicate their message across multiple channels to reach different audiences. Get the message out that your company is THE company for job seekers.

2023 Hiring Challenges: How to Prepare and Fix Them

Hiring challenges are robust and consistent anytime of year, use ExactHire’s ATS to minimize these challenges and get you the best candidates on the market.

No matter how revolutionary your product or service is and no matter how innovative your solution is, your business won’t grow without high-value staff. Your bottom-line results are directly connected to your ability to attract, hire, and retain incredible workers. And today’s workforce and hiring environment are challenging. In fact, these are the top 2023 hiring challenges, along with insights to prepare for and fix them. 

Attracting Diverse Workforces

As an employer, you’re feeling the pressure to expand your company culture to be more inclusive and diverse. However, trying to attract and retain a more diverse workforce can be challenging. To improve your efforts and attract more diversity to your teams, it starts with a shift in company culture. Consider redefining your company’s position on inclusivity and diversity. And from there, branch out by developing targeted recruiting strategies that open the door to more applicants. Look for job fairs and networking events that specifically support underrepresented groups. Additionally, create diversity position statements in your job descriptions and throughout your online marketing. 

Finding Top-Quality Candidates

Another 2023 hiring challenge you’re likely facing involves finding top-quality and high-value candidates for your key positions. The competition right now for skilled candidates is fierce. Those applicants with the rooted experience you need are going to be tough to find. But, you can expand your recruiting efforts to include a more robust presence on the job boards. Be open with your marketing channels, like social media and your website, about unique job openings. Tap into your professional networks to create buzz about your role and ask for referral candidates. The top-quality candidates you’re looking for may also be working elsewhere right now. So, look to develop a strategy for connecting with passive candidates who may be ready for a career change but aren’t actively looking.

Remote Hiring Challenges: Job Candidates Need Flexibility 

It’s a worker-driven economy right now, meaning employees and job seekers have more opportunities to consider. Yes, they need to work. But they’re also being choosy about which positions to apply for and the companies they work with in the end. Regardless of how you feel about remote working dynamics, today’s workers need that flexibility and won’t change careers without it. But there’s more to flexibility than just remote and hybrid work. As an employer, you can offer more flexibility in terms of redefining working hours or work weeks. Consider implementing more progressive approaches to work-life balance initiatives that place value on employee experiences. 

Applicants Want the Opportunity to Explore New Skills

Internal mobility is the order of the day. And to address the 2023 hiring challenge relating to workers who want to try new things, you’re going to need to adopt a more comprehensive approach to internal promotion and in-house opportunities. Employees are more often looking to transform their careers in new directions. And they’ll stay with employers who routinely offer opportunities for continued learning, additional certifications, and new skills in other departments. To fix these hiring challenges, look to internal growth initiatives. When your new hires and existing employees show interest in exploring new paths, provide them with the roles and opportunities so they can continue to grow and improve – with your company and not someone else’s.

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Skills-Based Hiring Carries More Weight

If you’re struggling to find and hire top talent, take a look at your job requirements. The days of strict educational requirements and industry experience are in the rearview mirror. Today’s companies are adopting a more skills-based approach to hiring, seriously considering candidates with relatable skills and trainable characteristics. Create your job descriptions in a way that outlines the precise skills needed for the role. Instead of a bachelor’s degree in marketing, be open to those who have relevant experience with marketing on social media, content creation, or email campaigns. Broaden your lens to include skills, and you’ll broaden your pool of worthy applicants.

Retaining Your Best Talent

Hiring challenges in 2023 also extend to retention strategies. Once you do find great workers, you’re going to have to prepare for the challenges related to retention. This means sitting down with your current staff and gathering feedback about what they value most from an employer. And then, create an attractive strategy for keeping your best team members for the long term. Consider more comprehensive benefits packages, increased job flexibility, improved company culture, competitive compensation, and professional development opportunities. 


Prepare to address the unique hiring challenges in 2023 with these insights rooted in data and the latest hiring trends. And when you need a partner to help facilitate your new strategies, let ExactHire be your guide!