Entries by Nancy Meyer, SHRM-CP

Remote Work and Summer Travel

As I write this blog, I am working at my elderly parents’ home, hours away from my home office, while they are out running errands. After I finish work, my gears will shift from employee-mode to daughter-mode. Where I will assist with tasks for which they need my in-person help. At the end of the […]

Mid-Year Performance Reviews

Human Resources professionals and managers are well-versed on the annual performance evaluation process, but they may have challenges including another integral piece of the employee review process: mid-year performance reviews.  Both mid-year and annual reviews are essential to the growth and development of the employee which impacts the company’s profitability.  It is crucial to have […]

Managing Time Off Requests

Kids are not the only people who count the days to summer vacation…adults have their own countdown as well. June, July, and August, in addition to December due to its many holidays, are the months when employees request time off more than any other time of the year. Federal holidays that might yield a day […]

Navigating the Hybrid Work Landscape

Having trouble attracting applicants to apply for your hybrid or remote positions? ExactHire offers outsourced hiring services for an affordable, flat fee that can improve your hiring results and save your team dozens of hours and thousands of dollars. Explore Full Service Hiring   Many employees were thrust into working from home during the COVID […]

The Art of Delegation

How many times have you heard a coworker say, “But it is easier if I do it myself!”?  Or are you the employee that says that?  We’ve all said that statement at one point in time, but if we are regularly saying that it is easier to do things ourselves instead of delegating responsibilities to […]

Green HR Practices: Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace

April is dedicated as “Earth Month” with “Earth Day” held annually on April 22nd. People are shifting their mindsets though to make “every day Earth Day” by committing to Earth friendly efforts. Environmentalism is not only for individuals, but for companies too.  Implementing eco-friendly practices within the work culture confirms a company’s commitment to sustainability […]

Spring Into Action – Interns, Externs, & Apprentices

Filling open vacancies within a company is a daily challenge for Human Resources.  Seasoned talent coming from competitors may try to leverage their skills and experience to potentially negotiate. Whether that’s higher salary or benefits packages when seeking employment with a new company.  The hiring process can become a game of negotiation between a company […]

Personalization of Employee Benefits

Talent that drives the success of a company is multi-generational. Working alongside each other are Baby Boomers, Gen X, Y (Millennials) and Z. Each generation brings its own talents and characteristics. They each have their own unique needs when it comes to employee benefits provided by the company. There is no one-size-fits-all to employee benefits […]

HR Strategies for a Pandemic

We have heard the old saying, “Hindsight is 20/20”. How accurate! It is easier to see clearer after a situation has passed. With careful and fervent thought, we ruminate on what we could have done differently. As well as what actually worked during times of trial and success. The year 2020 ignited chaos into the […]