8 Ways You Can Improve Your Hiring Experience

Your company’s ability to grow and scale is tied to your ability to attract, onboard, and retain top talent. And your hiring experience matters. As you carve out goals and objectives for the remainder of this year and prepare for a growth path in 2024, consider analyzing your current hiring process. Then, tap into these insights and methods for improving your hiring experience and results.

Recognize Why a Great Hiring Experience Is Important

Hiring these days is challenging. Competition is fierce as the most talented individuals seek out the best companies. And your methods for attracting them have to stand out from the rest. A recent IBM report suggested that those candidates who have a positive hiring experience are 38% more likely to accept the job offer. 

It’s the experience, including the application process, the communications, and the interviewing methods, that make the difference. The better your hiring teams are at executing a positive candidate experience, the better your results will be. And it starts with prioritizing the experience and redefining your official hiring process

Application Process

Look for ways to streamline your application process. Consider crafting more transparent job descriptions to eliminate wrong-fit candidates. Be precise in your application about requesting information that isn’t already present on the resume. And make every effort to make it a seamless digital experience to complete and submit your company application.

Resume Screening

Drill down on your current process for screening resumes. Look at what your hiring managers are placing the most value on with each candidate. And verify that those metrics are still valid in your current state of operations. Use this list of factors as inspiration for exploring ways to streamline and improve your applicant screening values.

  • Job Experience
  • Educational Experience
  • Soft and Hard Skills
  • Formatting and Applicant Submission Direction

It’s also suggested that you adopt a coordinated rating or scoring system for resumes received. And a great applicant tracking system (ATS) can be instrumental in sifting through resumes fairly.

Candidate Communications

Another way to improve your hiring experience is to adopt methods for more efficient candidate communication. Applicants who are constantly informed about their status and your process will have a better experience. For example, share when the application is received, considerations are in progress, and candidate shortlists are created.

And your process should include a thorough method for the what, when, and how you communicate. 

  • Map out your applicant communication touchpoints.
  • Be transparent about communicating process timelines.
  • Share regular updates about the candidate’s status.
  • Ensure you’re answering all the candidates’ questions.
  • Personalize your communications to each applicant.
  • Use email, text, and phone calls for communications.
  • Always ask for applicant feedback.

In-Person Interviews

One of the most frustrating aspects of the hiring experience for candidates is the interview phase. Whether you’re conducting your company’s interviews in person or virtually, take time to analyze how effective and positive your interviewing processes are. Consider these improvements and suggestions to make this step more impactful for you and your applicants.

  • Involve more than one interviewer during the interview process.
  • Keep your interviewing process to a two-week turnaround time or less.
  • Get team leaders involved in the interviewing process for better on-the-job insights.
  • Make sure your interview questions are providing value to the evaluation process.
  • Provide candidates with opportunities to ask questions.
  • Communicate the next steps and timelines honestly.
  • Ask for feedback and areas of improvement.

Reference and Background Checks

Streamline your candidate hiring experience by cutting down on the time it takes to properly vet them. This includes any additional steps in your hiring procedure relating to skills testing, employee assessments, reference calling, and background checks. When these elements take too long to execute, applicants begin to feel interview fatigue. Don’t eliminate these necessities, though. Instead, consider these insights for making these steps more efficient and less time-consuming:

  • Choose the best-fit screening providers.
  • Leverage every available opportunity for online execution.
  • Create deadlines for completing these tasks.
  • Communicate the results as the tasks are completed.

Bonus Tips for Enhancing Your Hiring Experience

Explore these additional methods for improving your hiring experience and bottom-line onboarding results. These represent unique layers and touchpoints that can significantly boost the positive aspects of your current hiring processes.

  • Better Company Culture 
  • Employer Branding
  • More Transparency
  • Mobile-Friendly Apps
  • Shortened Applications
  • Creating Unique Experiences
  • Write Better Job Descriptions
  • Communicate Using Social Media

Trust ExactHire

Today’s hiring landscape is different, presenting new challenges for hiring managers and companies looking to attract and retain top talent. However, exploring ways to improve your candidate hiring experience can have incredible benefits and hiring ROI. Consider these insights for evaluating and improving your hiring experience. And when you need more guidance with ATS, assessment testing, onboarding procedures, and hiring solutions, trust the expert team of HR and recruiting professionals here at ExactHire. Let’s connect and start improving your candidate experiences and streamline your hiring efforts!

HR Software is Essential for Modern Organizations

Need software for hiring and onboarding? Or, maybe you’re looking to outsource some of your hiring tasks to a SHRM certified team?

Let’s have a quick chat to learn whether ExactHire has a solution that fits your needs!


Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference.

HR software companies have become indispensable partners for businesses of all sizes. They help you manage your most valuable asset – your employees – with greater ease and effectiveness.

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and stay competitive. One area where companies are increasingly turning to technology for assistance is human resources.

The Role of HR Software in Modern Organizations

Human resources is the backbone of any organization. HR professionals are responsible for recruiting, onboarding, training, managing benefits, handling payroll, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. They also play a crucial role in employee engagement, performance management, and fostering a positive workplace culture.

In the past, HR tasks were largely manual and time-consuming, requiring a significant amount of paperwork and administrative effort. However, with the advent of HR software, these processes have become more streamlined and efficient. Allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

Why HR Software is Essential

  1. Efficiency and Time Savings: HR software automates many routine administrative tasks, such as employee record-keeping, payroll processing, and benefits management. This automation saves HR teams countless hours, allowing them to allocate their time and resources more effectively. With HR software, businesses can process HR functions faster and with greater accuracy.
  2. Data Accuracy and Compliance: Compliance with labor laws and regulations is a critical aspect of HR management. HR software companies design their platforms to ensure data accuracy and compliance with local, state, and federal laws. This minimizes the risk of costly errors, fines, or legal issues that can arise from non-compliance.
  3. Employee Self-Service: Many HR software solutions offer self-service portals for employees, allowing them to access their own information, submit time-off requests, update personal details, and view pay stubs. This not only empowers employees to take control of their HR needs but also reduces the administrative burden on HR staff.
  4. Streamlined Recruitment and Onboarding: Finding and hiring the right talent is a top priority for businesses. HR software simplifies the recruitment process by providing tools for posting job openings, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and making job offers. Onboarding new hires is also more efficient with digital workflows and training modules.
  5. Performance Management and Talent Development: HR software often includes performance management tools that help track employee goals, provide feedback, and facilitate performance reviews. It also supports talent development by identifying skills gaps and creating training plans to upskill employees.

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Scaling your Business

In addition to increasing efficiency in process that companies already have to do they can also aid in scaling the company. Tasks that were once pen and paper could be done for 10’s om employees or less. However when a company scales to 50, 100, or even more employees it can become a problem. HR software handles this process and allows you to scale in various ways.

  1. Analytics and Reporting: HR software companies offer robust analytics and reporting features that enable organizations to make data-driven decisions. HR professionals can gain insights into workforce trends, turnover rates, compensation structures, and more, helping them optimize their HR strategies.
  2. Scalability: As businesses grow, their HR needs evolve. HR software is scalable, meaning it can adapt to accommodate changing requirements. Whether a company is a small startup or a multinational corporation, HR software can scale up or down to meet the organization’s size and complexity.
  3. Cost Savings: While there is an initial investment in HR software, the long-term cost savings are substantial. Fewer manual processes mean fewer personnel hours devoted to administrative tasks, reduced paperwork and printing costs, and lower error rates. Additionally, improved workforce management can lead to better resource allocation and reduced turnover. Saving money on recruitment and training.
  4. Remote Work Support: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations shifted to remote work. HR software companies quickly adapted by offering remote-friendly features, such as virtual onboarding, digital document signing, and secure access to HR data from anywhere. This flexibility has become crucial in the modern work environment.
  5. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: HR software can contribute to improved employee engagement and satisfaction. When employees have easy access to their HR information, receive timely feedback, and experience a smooth onboarding process, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their work.


In the digital age, HR software companies have emerged as vital partners for organizations. Especially those looking to optimize their HR processes, enhance employee experiences, and drive business success. The benefits of HR software extend beyond simple efficiency gains; they include improved data accuracy, compliance, and strategic workforce planning.

As technology continues to advance and the business landscape evolves, HR software companies will remain at the forefront of innovation. They will continue to help organizations adapt to new challenges and opportunities. For companies that value their employees as their most valuable asset, investing in HR software is not just a choice but a necessity for staying competitive and thriving in the modern world of work.

5 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment is critical to a company’s success. And a huge part of that is hiring the correct people to fill open positions. However, if managing an effective hiring process is taking too much of your time, consider ExactHire Full Service Hiring –where our team takes on the difficult, time-consuming tasks of hiring and delivers you qualified candidates to choose from.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, fostering a positive work environment is not just a feel-good idea; it’s a strategic imperative. A positive workplace culture can significantly impact employee engagement, productivity, retention, and overall organizational success. In this blog, we’ll explore five proven strategies to create and nurture a positive work environment that benefits both employees and the company.

Open and Honest Communication

Effective communication is the bedrock of a positive work environment. When employees and management communicate openly and honestly, it builds trust, clarity, and a sense of belonging. Here are some key elements of fostering communication:

Regular Updates: Keep employees informed about company news, goals, and progress. Regularly share updates through meetings, emails, or a company intranet.

Active Listening: Encourage employees to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Actively listen to their input and take it into account when making decisions.

Transparency: Be transparent about company policies, procedures, and decision-making processes. This helps dispel rumors and create a sense of fairness.

Conflict Resolution: Establish effective conflict resolution mechanisms to address disputes promptly and fairly. A conflict-free workplace is a more positive one.

Promote Work-Life Balance

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s easy for employees to feel overwhelmed by the demands of work. Promoting a healthy work-life balance can alleviate stress and burnout, leading to a happier and more productive workforce. Here’s how to promote work-life balance:

Flexible Scheduling: Whenever possible, offer flexible work hours or remote work options. This allows employees to better manage their personal and professional lives.

Encourage Time Off: Encourage employees to use their vacation days and personal time. Avoid glorifying overwork or sending emails during off-hours.

Set Realistic Expectations: Ensure that workloads and deadlines are manageable. Unrealistic expectations can lead to stress and dissatisfaction.

Wellness Programs: Consider offering wellness programs that focus on physical and mental health. Yoga classes, stress management workshops, or access to counseling services can make a significant difference.

Recognize and Appreciate

Employee recognition is a powerful tool for creating a positive work environment. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more motivated, engaged, and committed to their work. Here’s how to effectively recognize and appreciate your team:

Thank-You Notes: A simple “thank you” note or email can go a long way in expressing appreciation for an employee’s efforts.

Employee of the Month: Consider implementing an Employee of the Month program to celebrate outstanding contributions.

Public Acknowledgment: Recognize employees’ achievements in team meetings or company-wide gatherings. Highlight their successes and contributions.

Customized Rewards: Tailor rewards and recognition to individual preferences. Some employees may prefer public recognition, while others may prefer a private thank you.


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Invest in Professional Development

Employees who see opportunities for growth and advancement within their current organization are more likely to be engaged and committed. Investing in professional development not only benefits employees but also strengthens the company’s workforce. Here’s how to promote growth:

Training Programs: Offer training programs and workshops to enhance employees’ skills and knowledge. This can include technical skills, leadership development, or industry-specific training.

Mentorship and Coaching: Establish mentorship programs that pair experienced employees with those looking to grow in their careers. Coaching and mentorship can be invaluable for personal and professional development.

Clear Career Paths: Provide employees with a clear understanding of potential career paths within the organization. Encourage goal setting and provide support for advancement.

Continuous Learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning where employees are encouraged to seek out new knowledge and skills.

Foster a Positive Work Culture

The workplace culture sets the tone for interactions and behaviors within an organization. Fostering a positive work culture can significantly impact employee morale and satisfaction. Here’s how to promote a positive work culture:

Respect and Inclusivity: Ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity. Promote inclusivity and diversity within the workplace.

Collaboration: Encourage teamwork and collaboration. Create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and working together toward common goals.

Zero Tolerance for Toxic Behavior: Address toxic behaviors such as gossip, bullying, or discrimination promptly and firmly. Make it clear that such behaviors will not be tolerated.

Company Values: Align company values with actions and decisions. When employees see that the organization lives its values, it fosters trust and confidence.


creating a positive work environment is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. By implementing these five strategies—open and honest communication, promoting work-life balance, recognizing and appreciating employees, investing in professional development, and fostering a positive work culture—you can cultivate a workplace where employees thrive, and the organization flourishes. Remember that a positive work environment is a collective effort that involves every member of the organization, from leadership to entry-level employees, working together to create a harmonious and productive workplace.

Skills Based Hiring

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference

Another important concept our SHRM certified strategists addressed was the topic of Skills Based Hiring. Human Resources professionals know it is not easy to fill job openings. Currently, there are approximately 10 million vacant jobs in the United States. Where are all the candidates? That is a question that cannot easily be answered. However, there is a recruitment strategy ready for utilization to attract more qualified candidates, and that is skills based hiring.

Skills based hiring is the concept of screening and evaluating candidates based on their knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) and performance potential. This would be instead of focusing on the degree, if any, that they earned and their past job history. Skills based hiring is a way to help organizations fill high-volume and high-turnover positions in particular. It can also be applicable for use in other roles too though. Skills based hiring offers an organization a way to fill vacant roles while exponentially expanding its applicant pool by allowing previously excluded applicants the opportunity to validate their ability to perform in sought after job openings. 

Addressing Concerns

Skills based hiring can generate some nervousness within an organization. In a sense, it shatters the philosophy of “We have always done it this way.” believed by many when it comes to the evolution from traditional hiring practices. Changing processes, and especially mindsets, can make a positive impact and promote growth within a company. Shifting from traditional hiring to skills based hiring takes planning, research, communication and teamwork. For major change to occur in the workplace, senior and executive leadership must champion the cause with Human Resources. Their support and investment will then flow to hiring managers who will be the ones responsible for applying the concept. As buy-in occurs, the momentum shifts, and the ability to hire focusing on skills begins.

How to Get Started with Skills Based Hiring

Now that the organization is ready to progress with skills based hiring, what is next? In partnership with leadership and departments, Human Resources must identify and itemize the particular skills that are essential to perform the functions of the roles in the company. What skills are needed for the company to operate at high productivity? Are there skills our current employees have that contribute to the company’s success?  What skills do we need to maintain or improve operations? Are there skills we’re lacking? Composing an inventory of skills takes time.

Analyze existing job descriptions to identify essential components. Examine requirements closely. While certain fields (ex. Healthcare and Education) require specific credentials for various roles, determine if other roles must have certain criteria required. For management, sales, or service roles, does the job really need a bachelor degree? A degree is not an automatic indicator for success in a role, but job-specific demonstrated skills can be indicators of potential success. 

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Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

After a thorough internal skills assessment, it is time for an organization to take the initiative. They need to reduce the company’s gaps by filling vacant roles. Job posting, when doing skills based hiring, takes diligence to communicate what is essential while removing what is not while using language that is inclusive. Careful wording is essential. According to LinkedIn, job posts that highlight “responsibilities” instead of “requirements” get 14% more applications per view. It takes meticulous review and thought to remove any conscious and unconscious bias. Within the job description, skills based hiring shifts focus from degree(s) attained and experience by targeting potential applicants who meet an itemized list of specific competencies and skills required and preferred for optimal performance.

When creating a skills based job listing, stakeholders must identify the competencies needed for job success. Then you should rank those in priority order. Specify deal breakers by classifying which skills are “must have” and which skills are “would like to have”. Doing so will still filter unqualified applicants but yet not close the door on applicants who have some but not all of the skills listed for success.  According to Harvard Business Review, women will not apply to a job listing if they do not meet 100% of the criteria while men usually apply after meeting about 60% of the criteria. Skills based hiring is meant to identify qualified candidates who can successfully do the job so ensure that required and preferred skills are carefully and accurately labeled. If criteria is labeled incorrectly, an organization will miss out on qualified candidates and impede cultural growth and diversity. 

Helpful Accessories for Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

HR professionals and hiring managers should use their applicant tracking system (ATS) to post their skills based job listings to operate efficiently and select a variety of job boards to post to in one attempt.  As HR and hiring managers screen candidates, communicate quickly with applicants to increase engagement and before they get hired by a competitor. Text or email to set up an initial phone screen. In the phone screen, ask questions which allow the interviewee to share past and current experiences that elaborate upon and validate employer sought skills. Create specific skills based interview guides in the ATS to standardize the interview process. Focus on the goal of finding the right talent instead of the intricacies of degrees earned or not earned. According to McKinsey, hiring for skills is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring for education.


Skills based hiring offers many benefits. It promotes equity for people in their desire to earn a high-paying wage.  Millions of job seekers who were previously overlooked or ineligible for consideration can attain better financial stability in higher paying roles which were previously unattainable to them due to degree requirements. According to LinkedIn, employees without a bachelor degree tend to stay 34% longer than employees without a degree. Organizations benefit with an expanded talent pool to relieve employee shortages and see an increase in employee loyalty. Workforce diversity increases which enhances productivity. Skills based hiring is a win-win for organizations and job seekers. If you would like to see skills based hiring in action with ExactHire’s Full Service Hiring, please reach out to us to discuss how this service can save you time and money.

Stay Interviews

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference

Stay interviews were a topic of conversation that we felt were an important takeaway. Losing key talent rarely is good. According to Gallup, companies in the United States spend $11 billion dollars annually on turnover. The time and effort Human Resources must go through to start the replacement process is expensive, even if the position is filled internally by an existing employee who is already acclimated to the company. Especially concerning…did the departed employee go to work for the organization’s competitor!?!?  If so, that can be damaging to the company’s income, particularly if the former employee shares company strategies and insight. It is crucial for a company to mitigate turnover before it happens, and one way to do that is by administering “Stay Interviews”.

What are Stay Interviews?

“Stay Interviews”. What’s that you say? A Stay Interview is a proactive method to prevent the loss of talent before it happens. It is a conversation between a company leader (typically a manager) and an employee (typically a direct report) to learn what the employee needs from the company so the employee can be engaged and retained by the company.  It is the opposite of an “Exit Interview”. Exit interviews are somewhat reactive. When Human Resources and/or an employee’s manager conducts an exit interview, it is too late. The employee has submitted their notice to resign, and rarely is there an opportunity to change the employee’s decision to leave.

Exit interviews are useful in collecting reasons why an employee chooses to leave the organization. However, it is often too late for the company to resolve those particular issues affecting that employee which instigated the employee’s choice to work elsewhere.  Exit interview information can be useful if the information collected can be used to make positive change. It can also be used within the organization to prevent future talent from leaving. If there are overarching themes communicated in exit interviews such as pay concerns, work-life balance, or the need for flexibility, it delivers a message to the employer that there is a need to evaluate current working conditions. The company can use the data to review internal design, benefits, working conditions and any other relevant areas. Exit interviews are a crucial way to identify challenges in the workplace. They should be incorporated in a company’s offboarding process.

Why are Stay Interviews Important?

An organization’s goal is to minimize turnover and retain talent. However, talent cannot be retained as effectively if leadership does not know why employees choose to stay. This is why Stay Interviews are valuable. The ultimate goals of Stay Interviews are to prevent turnover and create a supportive work environment that meets employees’ needs. Stay Interviews are typically conducted by an employee’s direct manager. Depending on the work culture and size of the organization, Human Resources can participate also.

When an employee’s direct manager conducts a Stay Interview with an employee, the manager can receive candid feedback that can help strengthen the team and department. It could also damage the relationship if the manager is not skilled in accepting constructive criticism or candid feedback from an employee. If an employee has a contentious relationship with their manager, that employee might not share any instrumental feedback due to fear of repercussions. Keeping these scenarios in mind, it is important that employees have the ability to complete their Stay Interviews with company support. If they do not feel comfortable conducting their Stay Interview with their direct manager, then it is important that HR participate also. 

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Formatting Interviews

Interviews can be crafted in a format that fits best for the company culture. All departments and employee levels should complete a Stay Interview to collect a broad scope of insight. Having a discussion with the manager and/or HR can allow the employee to express their thoughts in more detail. Make it comfortable for the employee. Send a calendar invitation at least a week before the stay interview.  If a standard list of questions are utilized, consider giving the list to the employee prior to meeting so the employee can give genuine thought to formulating their answers.

It is not always easy for an employee to answer on-the-spot, thought-provoking questions relating to one’s employment. There are survey options that can be created and submitted with or without employee names. If surveys are utilized, feedback must be carefully evaluated by management and HR. After that evaluation, sharing the feedback and plan for the suggestions, positives and negatives need to be communicated to the employees for transparency.  While surveys are one option, it does not provide the same candor and facilitate the personal connection as in-person Stay Interviews do. Surveys can be a useful tool to collect supplemental data post-Stay Interview.       

Questions to Consider

Questions can vary somewhat in the context of the company and employee’s role and need to be applicable to onsite and remote employees. Avoid “yes” and “no” questions; the goal of a Stay Interview is discussion. One word answers rarely facilitate in-depth discussion. Here are a few standard questions that should be asked in a Stay Interview:

  1. Each morning, what do you look forward to about working that day? 
  2. What have you learned here? What are you currently learning now? What do you want to learn?
  3. Why do you stay with our company?
  4. When was the last time you thought about leaving our company? Why?
  5. How can I better support you in your role?

Customize the list further, but do not overload the employee with questions. Do more listening, not hearing but actual listening, more than talking. Take notes and follow up on any items in question. The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) offers a list of questions that an employer can use when conducting Stay Interviews. Keep in mind, for employees who have worked at the company less than six months to a year, collecting their insight should be a part of employee onboarding and not administered as a formal “Stay Interview” as employees need to have time to become acclimated within the work culture and learn the intricacies of their roles. Show genuine appreciation for the feedback shared.


If your organization is not using Stay Interviews with your employees, consider using this concept. Stay Interviews can boost employee engagement which then increases company productivity.  They can decrease turnover and create positive organizational change by maintaining or implementing policies and benefits that increase employee satisfaction. Supplement your conversations with your employees by using your employee onboarding software to communicate events and positive change resulting from feedback collected in Stay Interviews.

HR Conference Takeaways: I-9 Info

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference. Starting off this series is the importance of the I-9 Form.

What is an I-9 Form?

After working diligently to fill vacancies with key talent, Human Resources professionals are tasked with onboarding new team members efficiently. HR has a plethora of supportive responsibilities with the new hire. Welcoming them to their team and company as a whole, acclimate them to the environment, answer their questions, support their growth, and so on. Those duties put the “human” in “human resources”.  However, HR is tasked with compliance obligations that cannot be ignored. One of the most important tasks that HR is responsible for is verifying the new hire’s eligibility to work through the use of the Eligibility Verification Form (I-9). This process is required by the federal government. If it is not completed or completed incorrectly, penalties may be incurred. 


Here are some pieces of key info that can guide HR professionals about the employment eligibility and onboarding processes. Note: ExactHire does not provide legal counsel so please check with your company’s legal team regarding employee work eligibility questions. 


If a company hires individual(s) who are not legally eligible to work, or if the company maintains employment of employees whom they know are not legally eligible to work, the company may be fined. These fines are not pocket change. Penalties can range from $230 to $20,130 PER violation. Frequent violators tend to receive higher penalties. If there is a pattern of hiring unauthorized employees, employers may be subject to criminal penalties. HR professionals must be cognizant of which documents qualify as employee verification tools and complete the verification process accurately in a timely manner. It is possible that a new hire might provide several pieces of documentation that satisfy I-9 requirements. If this occurs, do not record more than is necessary. Have the employee select an acceptable document that meets List A or documents that meet List B and List C. 

Who Needs an I-9 Form?

Employers are required to maintain the I-9 for potential inspection for all current employees. When an employee is terminated or willingly leaves, an employer must keep the I-9 on file for at least three years from the date of hire or for one year after the employee is no longer hired, whichever is longer. This is where onboarding software is essential. Companies who use onboarding software have a secure means to collect confidential items securely and in a timely manner. They can also keep them organized to refer to when necessary. Messy handwriting on forms is no longer an issue when new hires can securely input personal data into the platform.  Keep in mind that within three days of a new employee’s start date, the I-9 must be completed and countersigned. Instead of chasing down people to complete the task, save time and money by automating.

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How to Properly Complete the I-9 Form

Let’s talk about the three day window on signing and countersigning the I-9 in more depth. The new hire must complete Section 1 of the I-9 by the end of the first day of employment. Once the new hire signs Section 1, the employer is now obligated (in most scenarios) to complete Section 2 within three days after the new hire’s first day of work. Weekends do count as business days if the company is operational over the weekend. Ambitious employees can complete the I-9 before their first day of work. As long as they have accepted the job offer for employment with the company. Companies should not start the I-9 process before hiring an employee though.

It is important to make sure that an employer is using the correct version of the I-9 at all times. The latest version of the I-9 was released August 1, 2023 and will be required for use starting November 1, 2023. A HR employee might be unsure if they are using the most recent version. Always check the version date which is listed in the bottom left corner. The version, previous to the new August one, which was released October 21, 2019 can be used through October 31, 2023.

Another perk of using onboarding software is having the form automatically updated within the platform so HR will know they are using the correct form. There is a Spanish I-9 form, but it is only for use by employers and employees in Puerto Rico.  If an organization has Spanish speaking employees who are not fluent in English, it is important to find a translator to assist in translating the English version and answering any questions the employee might have. 


A very handy and intuitive tool used in the employment verification process is E-Verify.  E-Verify is a web-based system that allows employers to confirm employees’ eligibility to work in the United States. This does not replace the I-9; however, it electronically confirms an employee’s information against millions of government records. When an employer uses E-Verify, it shows a bona fide effort to hire eligible workers. It provides an extra layer of reassurance to employers knowing they have taken additional measures to prevent the employment of unauthorized workers.


Finding key talent is challenging and full of competition.  After Human Resources completes the hiring process starting with Point A, an employer cannot forget about Point Z. Having a streamlined onboarding process that focuses on welcoming and acclimating new hires to the environment is crucial for retention. Spending time chasing new hires to complete paperwork is not cost effective nor does it demonstrate a “personal” aspect to the new hires.

It is important that organizations identify and understand the value of using onboarding software to automate tasks and shift focus to the human side of human resources. Simplify the employment verification process with the integration of E-Verify. While E-Verify is not a required tool for verification purposes, using an onboarding platform with E-Verify can offer so much more efficiency and simplicity. If you would like to learn more how ExactHire’s OnboardCentric, available with E-Verify, can boost your company’s productivity and save you money, reach out to us here or call us at 317.296.8000.


Diversity at Work

This is an era of rapid globalization and evolving workplace dynamics. The significance of diversity and inclusion initiatives in the corporate world cannot be overstated. Companies that embrace diversity and foster an inclusive environment are benefiting greatly. They tend to not only attract top talent but also experience enhanced creativity, innovation, and overall business success. In this blog, we will delve into the transformative power of diversity and inclusion initiatives at work. We will also explore practical strategies for implementation. If you are struggling with finding diverse candidates, you might benefit from an ATS. Applicant tracking systems allow for more specific candidate hiring capabilities which could aid in a more diverse workforce. Look into our ExactHire ATS to see if you could benefit from it today!

Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity goes beyond merely acknowledging differences in gender, ethnicity, age, and background. It encompasses a wide range of characteristics. Including but not limited to, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and even cognitive thinking styles. Inclusion, on the other hand, is about creating an environment where every individual feels respected, valued, and empowered. This allows them to contribute their unique perspectives.

Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

  1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: A diverse workforce brings together individuals with varied life experiences and viewpoints. This diversity of thought sparks creativity and fosters innovative solutions to complex challenges.
  2. Increased Employee Engagement: When employees feel their voices are heard and their identities are respected, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. This translates to higher productivity and job satisfaction.
  3. Broader Market Perspective: A diverse team is better equipped to understand the needs and preferences of a diverse customer base, leading to more effective product development and customer service.
  4. Reduced Employee Turnover: Inclusive workplaces promote a sense of belonging, which in turn leads to higher employee retention rates. Employees are less likely to leave an organization where they feel valued and supported.
  5. Positive Brand Image: Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion are seen as forward-thinking and socially responsible, attracting customers who align with their values.

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Implementing Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

  1. Leadership Commitment: True change starts from the top. Company leaders should publicly express their commitment to diversity and inclusion, demonstrating that these values are integral to the organization’s mission.
  2. Unbiased Recruitment: Establish fair hiring practices that prioritize skillsets and qualifications, minimizing bias in the recruitment process. Consider implementing blind resume screening to focus solely on an applicant’s abilities.
  3. Diverse Interview Panels: Include individuals from diverse backgrounds in the interview process to ensure a variety of perspectives are considered when evaluating candidates.
  4. Inclusive Training Programs: Provide diversity and inclusion training for all employees to raise awareness about unconscious biases, stereotypes, and microaggressions, and to promote a more inclusive workplace culture.
  5. Employee Resource Groups: Establish affinity or employee resource groups to create spaces where individuals with shared identities or experiences can connect, share insights, and provide support.
  6. Flexible Work Policies: Accommodate different needs by offering flexible work arrangements that cater to employees’ personal circumstances, such as childcare responsibilities or health conditions.
  7. Inclusive Language and Communication: Encourage the use of inclusive language in all communications to ensure everyone feels respected and acknowledged.
  8. Feedback Mechanisms: Create avenues for employees to provide feedback on diversity and inclusion initiatives, and actively listen to their suggestions for improvement.
  9. Mentorship and Sponsorship: Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs. This way they can connect employees from underrepresented backgrounds with experienced leaders who can help them navigate their careers.
  10. Recognition and Celebration: Recognize and celebrate cultural, religious, and awareness events that are important to employees, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural respect.

Measuring the Impact

To gauge the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives, companies can implement several key performance indicators (KPIs). These may include employee engagement scores, representation data at various organizational levels, attrition rates, and feedback from employee surveys.


Diversity and inclusion initiatives are not mere checkboxes on a company’s to-do list. They are transformative forces that enrich the workplace and drive innovation. An environment where every individual is empowered to bring their authentic selves to work is very beneficial. Organizations then pave the way for a brighter future filled with collaboration, understanding, and success. Embracing diversity and fostering inclusion is the right thing to do. It’s also a strategic imperative that benefits employees, customers, and the bottom line.

Emerging Trends in HR Software: Shaping the Future of Work

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, HR professionals are turning to innovative technologies to streamline processes, enhance employee experiences, and drive strategic decision-making. As we navigate the dynamic world of HR software, several upcoming trends are poised to reshape the way organizations manage their human resources. From AI-driven insights to holistic employee engagement platforms, let’s explore the exciting trends that are set to define the future of HR software. If you want support from professionals to navigate this rapidly evolving space, contact our team here at ExactHire for how we can streamline your HR software!

AI-Powered Analytics for Data-Driven HR Software

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a buzzword; it’s becoming a cornerstone of HR software development. AI-powered analytics are transforming raw HR data into actionable insights, enabling HR teams to make informed decisions. Predictive analytics can forecast turnover rates, identify skill gaps, and even suggest personalized training plans for employees. With AI, HR professionals can proactively address challenges and create strategies that align with organizational goals.

Holistic Employee Experience Platforms

Employee experience has taken center stage in the world of HR. Modern HR software is shifting from siloed tools to comprehensive employee experience platforms. These platforms provide a seamless interface for employees to manage their benefits, performance reviews, training, and more. They also facilitate continuous feedback and recognition, fostering a culture of engagement and growth. By unifying various HR processes, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

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Virtual Reality for Training and Onboarding

Virtual Reality (VR) is making its mark in HR software with immersive training and onboarding experiences. Instead of traditional classroom-style sessions, new hires can engage in virtual simulations that replicate real-world scenarios. VR allows employees to practice complex tasks, develop soft skills, and familiarize themselves with their work environment before stepping foot in the office. This trend is especially relevant in a world where remote work and distributed teams are becoming the norm.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Technology

Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is a top priority for organizations. DEI technology within HR software is emerging as a powerful tool to measure, monitor, and promote diversity efforts. These tools can analyze data to identify potential biases in recruitment, pay, and promotions. By leveraging DEI technology, companies can ensure fair and unbiased practices while fostering a more inclusive work environment.

Continuous Performance Management In HR Software

The traditional annual performance review is giving way to a more dynamic and employee-centric approach: continuous performance management. HR software is enabling real-time feedback, goal tracking, and skill development conversations between managers and employees. By shifting the focus from retrospective evaluations to ongoing dialogue, organizations can drive employee growth, engagement, and productivity.

AI-Powered Chatbots for Employee Support

Chatbots are becoming an integral part of HR software, providing employees with instant answers to their queries and guiding them through various HR processes. These AI-driven assistants can assist with benefits enrollment, leave requests, policy inquiries, and more. By automating routine tasks, chatbots free up HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that require human expertise.

Remote Work Optimization

The remote work revolution has prompted HR software developers to create tools that cater to virtual work environments. From virtual team-building activities to remote performance tracking, these tools empower organizations to effectively manage and support their remote workforce. Features such as time tracking, productivity analytics, and collaboration platforms are crucial for maintaining efficiency in a distributed setting.

Blockchain for Secure HR Processes

Blockchain technology is making inroads into HR software, particularly in ensuring secure and tamper-proof record-keeping. From verifying educational qualifications to safeguarding sensitive employee data, blockchain can enhance the credibility and security of HR processes. This technology holds the potential to revolutionize areas such as background checks, payroll verification, and digital identity management.

Conclusion: Embracing the HR Software Revolution

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in HR management, these trends are driving the transformation of HR software. Organizations that embrace these innovations are not only enhancing their operational efficiency but also creating a more engaging and employee-centric workplace. From AI-driven insights that inform strategic decisions to immersive VR onboarding experiences, these trends are shaping the future of work, one software solution at a time. To stay ahead in the competitive business landscape, organizations must remain open to adopting these trends and leveraging technology to elevate their HR practices. The future of HR software is here – and it’s brighter than ever before.

Quiet Thriving

ExaxtHire is a company that is built around addressing, and fixing HR related issues. From talent sourcing, applicant tracking, onboarding, and much more ExactHire can help. Quiet thriving is a topic recently being discussed in the HR field, along with quiet hiring and quiet quitting. Learn more about it here and how to foster quiet thriving.

What is Quiet Thriving?

There is a “quiet” theme that is becoming rather loud in the professional environment. Quiet quitting, quiet hiring, and now there is an additional “quiet” to explore: quiet thriving. Quiet thriving is a concept coined by psychologist Lesley Alderman. When an employee is quietly thriving, they are finding ways to make changes to their workday to make the day more positive for them and proactively finding ways to re-engage within the work environment. Subtle changes occur without making loud fanfare to promote their actions. These employees tend to perform at or above expectations. Often, low-key and low-maintenance are terms to describe these individuals who simply want to do their job, do it well and often leave the job behind for the day when the workday is over.


In their 2022 State of the Global Workforce report, Gallup reported that 33% of workers felt engaged at work so on the converse, a whopping majority of ~66+% feel disconnected and unmotivated in their daily roles. When the majority of workers feel a disconnect, something is lacking. That number speaks volumes and should motivate organizations to conduct an internal audit of their employees’ engagement and identify ways to better support their employees if the results show employee engagement is below expectations.  Extroverted employees are more likely to share their perspectives so do not overlook introverted employees. Introverted employees have relevant, important ideas that can be overshadowed by more vocal employees. After collecting input from employees, use those results to make positive change.

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How to Promote Quiet Thriving

Human Resources and management can reduce employees’ chances of quiet quitting and encourage quiet thriving by having consistent conversations to check-in to listen, not hear, but truly listen to what employees have to say. Observe nonverbal communication too. Often, a strong message can be conveyed in actions, not just words. In these check-in conversations, management and/or Human Resources need to ask candid questions to help with engagement and ultimately retention. Find out what parts of their job they like best and least. Are there tasks that they would like to try? Is the employee interested in leadership opportunities? Some people seek higher level roles while others do not want that additional responsibilities and can still be productive contributors. 


While extroverts and introverts can both appreciate the benefits of quiet thriving, this concept tends to appeal more to introverts who value opportunities to shine outside of being in the spotlight. Often extroverts are thrust in the limelight, frequently by choice, when they want to share ideas or for acknowledgement of tasks well-done. Vast amounts of public attention can be emotionally draining for introverts. Quiet thriving is not about muting or excluding extroverts. It is centered upon having an environment that meets the needs of both extroverts and introverts.

Supporting Your Employees

Employees who seek to quietly thrive need a work environment that supports their needs. Quiet areas and dedicated rooms can offer the much needed solitude to think, analyze and perform. In those dedicated quiet areas, eliminate noise and distractions. Not everyone thrives in an open environment, and the idea of forced social conversation with colleagues can generate anxiety. This is another opportunity for organizations to explore hybrid and/or remote work opportunities. Some employees can be more productive and mentally happier without onsite social distractions. Providing flexibility to employees to craft their work schedules and locations offers quiet thrivers much needed autonomy which can lead to higher productivity and retention.


Collaboration still exists in an environment of quiet thrivers. Quiet thrivers want meaningful discussion and idea sharing where the attention is focused on finding the solution to a project. It is safely sharing ideas in an environment where no one is ridiculed for asking questions or throwing out an “off-the-wall” idea that might or might not work. Having an environment that is supportive of discussion and debate can promote collaboration between differing personality styles. Teams with all personality types can still coexist, but it is imperative that employees do not overshadow others and prevent teammates from confidently and comfortably sharing ideas. 


Communication styles vary among employees. Some individuals who possess valuable knowledge and ideas simply do not like to verbally interact as much as others. Verbal interaction is necessary, but not for every idea shared. Management can support quiet thrivers by promoting chat tools among teammates. Sending messages between teammates can develop discussion with reduced chances of conversations diverting to unrelated topics. When discussing topics, listen to quiet thrivers without interrupting, and allow time for silence. Not everyone wants or should respond immediately without thought on the topic being discussed. 


Communication between co-workers is also important. To enhance productivity, encourage employees to share times that they have blocked off on their calendars for high priority projects and/or collaboration. Management should avoid meetings and interruptions during that time, and ask for a recap of action items completed during that time. Ensure the check-in comes across as a request so the manager can be a resource, not that the check-in is a way to make sure work is completed. Micromanagement is a leading cause of employee disengagement. Trust your team to do the work assigned to them.


Focus on the emotional needs of quiet thrivers. No matter the personality type, people want to know they have done well on a project. Quiet thrivers appreciate acknowledgement of success. Praise them privately and give them notice when they will be publicly acknowledged in groups. This gives them time to prepare for extra attention that might make them uncomfortable. 


Quiet thriving is a concept meant to build on the strengths of (mostly) introverted employees. In the workforce, quiet thriving can help retain productive employees. Allow employees to be in the shadow of others if they want to be. Supporting employees who seek to quietly thrive will help reduce the risk of them quietly quitting and reduce the need for organizations to quietly hire to offset low producers. Let quiet thrivers shout their message of productivity and engagement using their own quiet voices. They want to be heard!