
A Positive Candidate Experience Increases Retention

Today’s hiring landscape and workforce are changing. Anyone who’s been in a hiring, interviewing, or an onboarding role for any period of time will tell you just how different today’s candidate marketplace is. Everything about the application process is shifting. From how candidates apply for jobs to how today’s companies successfully attract top talent. One important aspect businesses can take steps to improve their hiring process is the candidate experience.

If you’re exploring new methods for improving your hiring process, continue reading. Today, we’ll share insights about creating a positive candidate experience. The benefits of such methods can be game-changing in how you attract and retain top talent. Consider these candidate experience-related strategies and find your path to onboarding success, increased retention, and bottom-line company growth.

Defining a Positive Candidate Experience

Before you can improve a candidate’s experience, you should first understand what that experience entails. When an applicant reaches out to your company intending to submit for a position, every engagement that person has with your brand throughout the recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding process is considered the candidate experience. These interactions might include direct and non-direct communication, software and digital forms, and brand messaging.

Based on the definitions and candidate experience interactions, here are a few examples of areas of engagement:

  • Your company’s career website or landing page
  • Your company’s job postings and job descriptions
  • Your company’s online application submission process
  • Your company’s communication through any applicant tracking systems
  • Your company’s direct communication with internal hiring managers and staff
  • Your company’s candidate acceptance and rejection notices

However when you strategize to make improvements to create a positive candidate experience, you’ll aim to impact these interactions in a way that provides convenience and value. Start your enhancement efforts by analyzing each aspect of your current recruiting process. Begin outlining the next steps through the lens of an applicant to better understand what their experience is like.

Why the Candidate Experience Matters

In today’s recruiting landscape, ignoring the candidate experience can be detrimental to your hiring success. And creating a positive candidate experience matters, especially if your goals include finding, hiring, and retaining top talent quickly. Companies not addressing this aspect of the process will soon begin experiencing:

  • Difficulties in filling open positions, thus hindering company growth and stability
  • Lower application rates due to the word getting out about one or more poor candidate experiences
  • Business loss due to poor candidate experiences affecting consumer purchasing decisions

Here are some alarming stats to consider. One study outlined these metrics, demonstrating how detrimental a poor candidate experience can really be for a business:

  • 60% of candidates never hear back from a company after an interview
  • 42% of dissatisfied applicants say they will never apply with that unresponsive company again
  • 22% of those disgruntled candidates will advise others to avoid applying
  • 9% of dissatisfied applicants would ask their networks to boycott a company’s products and services

Your company’s success is directly correlated to the skills and dedication of your employees. Focusing on how you attract and retain those critical roles will ensure you continue to create the most positive candidate experiences with the best-fit applicants for every position you need to fill.

The Framework for a Positive Candidate Experience

Consider developing a positive candidate experience framework, from the initial job description posting through to the final onboarding steps. Be sure to include these objectives in your outline, ensuring every improvement you make supports the overall company objective and the candidate experience.

  • Clearly defined job descriptions outlining realistic expectations for the role
  • Clearly defined employee-level value propositions (what’s in it for them)
  • Clearly defined details and resources they need to make their decisions
  • Easy-to-use interfaces for both online and mobile-friendly application processes
  • Respect at every level of communication and engagement, including thank you and courtesy correspondence
  • Pleasant and seamless interviewing experiences
  • Simplified transitions for applicants onboarding into new roles
  • Professional and respectful job applicant rejection communications
  • Robust and thorough training for all onboarded new employees

How Companies Can Improve Engagement in Recruitment

What today’s hiring managers really want to know is how to improve the candidate experience in the recruiting process. Start by exploring these solutions. They involve actionable steps you can take right now to impact a more positive result within your recruitment efforts.

Get Technical

Use all the available innovations and software solutions you can to improve your candidate experience. This might include the use of video for interviews, or maybe applicant-facing dashboards where candidates can find real-time updates and information. Right now, Jobvite says the average recruiter fills a position within 30 days. These tech and software enhancements can speed up the hiring process and offer more robust communication and transparency for applicants.

Simplify the Application Process

Look for complicated steps in your current application process and strategize ways to simplify them. Every step a candidate takes should be straightforward and easy. For example, don’t ask for them to upload a resume AND fill out a lengthy internal application. Instead, offer one or the other. And any online forms you do require, make sure you have an auto-save feature that allows candidates to save their progress as they go. However today’s recruiters should also make sure to offer assistance with online application processes, including closed-captioned videos and alternative assistance features.

Personalize Communications

While automations make the application process more transparent and efficient, there’s still a need for personalization and customization with your candidate communications. Explore ways to incorporate more tailored messaging to applicants at various stages of their recruitment process, including addressing them by name.

Ask for and Provide Valuable Feedback from Candidates

LinkedIn recently shared its Talent Solutions report, indicating that 94% of today’s job seekers want feedback from their interviews. It also suggests that only 41% of applicants actually receive feedback. Look for opportunities to send feedback with every engagement. And tap into the value of post-interview surveys to obtain candidates’ sentiments about their experiences, as well.

Make a Positive Impression

Apply for your own job as a candidate. Be mindful as you navigate your process to look for what kind of impression your company makes. Is your brand message incorporated throughout? Does your application web page take too long to load? Are there images or pages with broken links? Are there typos in your job description? All of these details, which may seem minor, could be making a negative impression on candidates.

Tighten Up Communication Timelines

Don’t leave candidates hanging about final hiring determinations. If your evaluation process is going to take two weeks, communicate those timelines to the applicants. They’ll wait two or three weeks if you set the expectation accordingly. They will not wait if you don’t follow up at all and will likely venture elsewhere for employment.

Today’s companies are learning to prioritize the candidate experience. Consider these insights and improvements as you evaluate your processes. And remember, the ExactHire team can help! Contact us to explore better ways you can create positive candidate experiences with your recruiting efforts. You can’t change the job market. But we can certainly help you change your approach to it.

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5 Stats to Know About the Labor Market for 2023

There are some key thing you need to do to be an effective hiring manager in today’s job market. It’s best to keep up with the relevant statistics regarding employment and unemployment. In addition to those job growth, earnings, and hiring best practices are also important. Today, we’ll share some of the very latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, along with additional insights that will ensure you make the most informed hiring, interviewing, and onboarding decisions in 2023. Knowing the top five current labor market stats will only improve your ability to attract, hire, and retain the top talent professionals you need for your organization to grow.

The Top Five Stats in the Current Labor Market, 2023

The Bureau of Labor Statistics often shares insights and metrics that represent the current state of the labor market. But some of the most recent and interesting stats, as sought after by most of today’s business leaders, are these:


  1. The current labor force is growing at a rate of 0.5% annually. It is expected to continue at this pace over the next ten years. More precisely, the labor force grew to 161.2 million, an increase of 462,000, between 2020 and 2021. By 2031, the projections suggest the labor market will grow to 168.9 million.
  2. The aging population will contribute to a decline in labor force participation. Projections indicate a decline from 61.7% to 60.1% by 2031.
  3. Real gross domestic product, or GDP, is expected to continue to improve at a rate of 2.1% annually. This is slightly higher than the 1.8% rate in recent years.
  4. Healthcare-based and social assistance sectors are projected to create the most jobs through 2031. The biggest growth in employment is expected to be among the service sectors serving the aging population.
  5. One of the industry segments experiencing the fastest growth is leisure and hospitality. Rebounding from the economic impacts of the pandemic, these sectors, along with food consumption, accommodations, and public services, are expected to experience the most growth through 2031.

What Can Leaders Do with These Stats?

As a business leader or hiring manager, how can you take these latest labor market statistics and put them to use in your growth efforts? For starters, company leaders should recognize that the country’s experiencing its largest employment expansion ever. Coupled with record-low unemployment rates, these labor market conditions have made hiring ridiculously challenging.

But you probably already know that.

However, these latest stats point to continued growth. So, while many of these market dynamics were exacerbated by the pandemic rebound, it’s not expected to let up in the coming years. It means waiting for the market to “level out” or return to pre-pandemic conditions won’t be an option.

These five stats should also wave red flags to anyone running a business within the service sectors. Leisure, entertainment, hospitality, senior services, healthcare, and food services in particular. These particular markets are growing at higher rates. If your business model represents any of these services, employment is going to continue to be extremely competitive throughout the next eight to ten years.

Understanding these emerging trends and stats will help you strategize for improved applicant attraction methods and hiring best practices.

What Broader Trends Can Leaders Leverage?

Perhaps there is a bigger question for today’s business leaders. How can one capitalize on and leverage these labor market stats and trends? Here are some solutions worth considering as you look to improve how you attract, hire, and retain top talent in today’s employment landscape.

RippleMatch says many employers are relaxing their hiring requirements to broaden their talent pools. For example, opening positions up to potential candidates who don’t have college degrees or years of industry experience is proving successful.

Today’s hiring managers are seeking to improve their employee benefits and company culture initiatives at a much higher rate. The Great Resignation of 2021, where 47 million workers effectively quit their jobs, did so because of a growing need for flexibility and work-life balance.

A Different Approach to Hiring and Onboarding

What today’s current labor market trends really indicate is a need for a new playbook for company leaders looking to hire and retain top talent. Any business striving for growth will need the teams to execute those growth plans. And if you’re not changing the way you hire, you’re going to face hiring challenges ongoing for the next ten years.

Recognizing that you need a new approach might also mean you need a new hiring strategy partner. ExactHire fully embraces the emerging hiring trends and provides companies with the software solutions, hiring tools, and onboarding techniques needed for growth in this new labor market.

These top five labor market stats should inspire change and improvements within your company’s hiring practices. And ExactHire can be the partner you need to facilitate simplified applicant tracking and improved employee onboarding. Contact our team to talk about your challenges and growth goals for 2023!


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Powerful Questions to Ask During an Interview


Recruiting the right team is every business leader’s top priority. More important than your products’ marketability or the size of your customer base, hiring first-rate talent will drive your company to the top of your industry. The opposite also holds true. A bad hiring decision can cost your company thousands in lost productivity and do irreparable harm to your company’s culture and reputation.

Making great hiring decisions is so important that it’s no wonder companies do all they can to get it right. As you’ve developed your own recruiting strategies, you’ve probably considered everything from offering competitive pay to improving your employer branding. But you’ll never be successful at recruiting top talent if you don’t know how to ask powerful interview questions.

The Importance of Interview Questions

Everybody wants a great job. And that’s why interview questions are so important. Your recruiting efforts will yield quality applicants, but also some not-so-great candidates. Powerful interview questions are your most effective tool to weed out undesirable candidates.

Job seekers have an overabundance of tools to help them during the application process. Professional resume writers, mock interviews, and even Google aid candidates trying to make a great impression. And while being prepared is a plus for any potential new hire, your job as the interviewer is to uncover shortcomings that would prevent the candidate from being successful in the role.

If you’re like most hiring managers, your interview process isn’t as effective as you think. In 1979, the University of Texas Medical School was compelled to admit an additional 50 students long after the admissions board had selected what they considered to be the best candidates. The additional 50 applicants were initially rejected largely based on their performance in unstructured interviews. Researchers later assessed the performance of these late-comers and found they performed just as well as the first round of accepted applicants. In other words, the interviewers’ impressions were wrong.

Researchers conducted a group of studies to find out how well volunteers could predict students’ GPA based, in part, on their interview performance. In each study, the researchers found that interviews were the least effective tool for predicting future performance. The interviewers were unable to tell when the students being interviewed were providing random or false answers. Furthermore, volunteers were more accurate when they made their predictions without interviews, relying on previous GPA and the student’s course schedule.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to hire someone you haven’t interviewed in person. But how can you conduct an effective interview that avoids the perils of poor judgement and gut instinct?

Good Interview Questions

Good questions to ask when interviewing someone begin with a thorough assessment of the qualities and skills required for the job. You already likely did a version of this assessment when you wrote the job description for the purposes of placing job ads. Revisit that assessment and dig deeper.

Evaluate the position and develop interview questions based on the following key competencies, according to the University of Portland.

Experience. Open-ended questions that ask applicants about their accomplishments, disappointments, or ongoing skill development will help you assess their current skills and their willingness to learn new skills.

Teamwork. Even employees that work independently need to see their contributions as part of the larger organization.

Communication. Teamwork is only possible if employees are able to communicate clearly and listen well.

Problem Solving. The whole team is more effective when employees take initiative to solve problems. But if they aren’t competent problem-solvers, their efforts could create even more complications.

Leadership. Not just for management, leadership skills include the abilities to motivate others, be assertive when necessary, and be self-disciplined.

Motivation. Employees motivated by an internal drive to do well will be more consistent than those motivated by pay or recognition.

Organization. The abilities to plan their time, prioritize their tasks, and organize their workspaces will help employees complete their work. A high level of organization will also help anyone who may need to step in if the employee is sick or on vacation.

Mission Alignment. Don’t overlook the importance of every employee working to promote your company’s mission. A company’s values, mission, and culture combine to create the standard for all of your employees’ behavior.

For each role, assess how these competencies are demonstrated. Then, create questions tailored to the open position to gauge the applicant’s mastery of these key qualities.

Fun Interview Questions

Weird and fun interview questions to ask an interviewee have been trending since reviewers on Glassdoor revealed that Google challenges its applicants to estimate how many piano tuners there are in the entire world. From there, it came to light that some of the biggest companies in the world use weird and fun questions in an attempt to reveal the applicant’s true self.

These questions attempt to circumvent the candidate’s research and preparation to elicit a candid response. Interviewers want insight into a candidate’s ability to think quickly, logically, or creatively. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. But if interviewers are discerning enough, weird and fun questions can reveal personality traits that are otherwise difficult to spot in an interview.

The key is knowing why you are asking the fun interview question and what you are looking for in the response. While unusual interview questions can be useful, be careful to not give undue weight to applicants’ responses. Even Google admitted that their brainteasers weren’t a predictor of employee success.

Best Interview Questions

When it comes to predicting employee success, researchers and business leaders agree on a few best practices for creating powerful questions to ask during an interview.

The evidence supports using structured interviews. These interviews rely on a format and a pre-made list of open-ended questions focused on key qualities. And unlike an unstructured interview, the interviewer doesn’t improvise based on the candidate’s response.

Interviewers should use the same questions for each candidate, along with a scale to evaluate each response. By using the same questions, interviewers can compare all the candidates fairly. And by using a scale to measure their response, interviewers avoid relying on their intuition, memory, or even the candidate’s likability.

Questions should focus on the candidate’s past behavior. Experts agree that past behavior is a powerful indicator of future behavior. Ask the candidate to describe situations in which he or she demonstrated key qualities required for the job.

Interviews should be done by teams or panels, with the final decision resting on one person. By inviting more than one person to interview candidates, hiring managers get the benefit of multiple perspectives. Hiring team members should include at least the position’s immediate supervisor, a member of the new hire’s team, along with a final decision maker.

Final Round Interview Questions

Ideally, by the time candidates make the final round of interviews, they have already demonstrated they have the skills and experience to perform the job. At this point in the interview process, you’re looking for personality traits that will drive or hinder their success.

The knockout questions in the final round are behavioral questions. These questions seek to determine if the candidate has character weaknesses that would make her a poor fit. An inability to handle pressure or a tendency to become angry will make even the most qualified candidate difficult to work with. For these questions, use the same format which asks the candidate to describe how she overcame challenging situations in the past, but focus on character traits.

Supplement Interview Questions with Assessments

Interviews can be notoriously poor predictors of employee performance. By using proven strategies, interviewers can increase the likelihood of choosing the best candidate through the interview process alone. Using a structured format, a consistent scale to evaluate performance, and the input of a hiring team, companies can make the best use of powerful interview questions.

Employee assessments can fill the gaps that even powerful interview questions leave. Consider using assessments to objectively measure job skills, personality, and leadership potential. The team at Exact Hire can even help you develop a custom assessment specific to your industry.

By combining assessments with proven interview question techniques, you can further take the guesswork out of hiring. Avoid the costly headache of bad hires. Call us today to find out more about how assessments can improve your hiring decisions.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash


4 Ways to Support Women in the Workforce

Happy 2023!

Often, as the new year rolls in, people proclaim that the new year consists of 365 days of new opportunities, and that is a valid statement. Unfortunately for many women, the new year continues to pose workplace challenges that did not end on December 31st.

Let’s take a look at the new year from a mathematical view.

A typical calendar year is 365 days. The average full-time employee will work approximately 260 of those 365 days, or roughly 71% of the year.  According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earned 83.1% compared to men’s earnings in 2021. This is down 1% from data collected in 2020.

Looking at this wage differential, women would need to work almost 45 more days a year to earn what men do in a calendar year. Not so much of a happy new year.

So let’s take a better look at what your company can do to better support the women at your company.

Women would need to work almost 45 more days a year to earn what men do in a calendar year.

Women in the workforce are often held to superheroic, unrealistic standards of excellence. They are expected to be stellar employees who work constantly to earn “exceeds expectations” on their performance evaluations. Many do this while also being a logistics coordinator in their home, maintaining their households and providing care to their loved ones.

With these pressures and expectations, it is no surprise that burnout in women is rising faster than in men. The pandemic unfortunately exacerbated these factors. Many women were forced to make hard decisions that have impacted the global business market. Women are leaving the work world at a faster rate than men, and they are also less likely to fill leadership positions.

In October 2022, McKinsey and Company, in partnership with, released its latest “Women in the Workplace” study. The report is a must-read for any organization. The findings spotlight challenges that organizations must identify and overcome to provide women with the resources for success.

Employers need to be vocal advocates for women in the workplace. They can do this by creating a supportive, mentoring environment. One that invests in opportunities for women to demonstrate their tenacity. This post will provide four key ways, for an organization to support women in the workforce.

1.) Focus on Leadership Opportunities

Women earn more than half of the college and advanced degrees awarded in the United States. Women hold 23% of executive positions, 29% of senior management positions, 37% of manager positions, 42% of professional positions, and 47% of support staff positions globally. Why are there not more women in leadership positions?

Multiple studies have yielded similar results. There is a predominant assumption that women are not interested in leadership roles. Often times, though, leadership and advancement are not discussed with women in employee/supervisor meetings. And unlike men, women are not as likely to apply for a role unless they feel they are completely qualified for it.

Nonlinear Career Paths

Data shows that it is getting harder for women to rejoin the workforce because employers are questioning gaps on women’s resumes. This leads to selecting individuals, often men, who do not have employment gaps. Employers should become open to employment opportunities with women who have nonlinear career paths. This will increase the talent pool dramatically, while also enhancing it with talent that is resilient, determined, and more than capable.

Entry-Level Management Roles

Organizational leaders need to create goals to recruit and promote women on all levels starting with a focus on entry-level management. McKinsey identified that for every 100 men who are promoted from entry-level roles to manager positions, only 87 women are promoted, and only 82 women of color are promoted. As a result, men significantly outnumber women at the manager level. As advancement continues, there is still a lack of women in the promotion queue eventually to the point where there are not enough women available for promotion to senior leadership positions.

Unconscious Bias

Jobs posted in an organization’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) should be gender neutral and evaluated to ensure there is no unconscious bias that implies a job is better suited for a specific gender. Make sure all employment applications use language that is non-discriminatory.

When an organization emphasizes recruitment, retention and promotion of women, it expands their talent pool, It also recognizes highly skilled contributors that personify talent in the workplace. Growing internal talent fosters a commitment between employees and the employer. This results in reduced training costs and quicker time to productivity as talent is already acclimated to the company’s culture. Implementing these changes can help to support women in the work place.

2.) Provide Support Resources

Since March 2021, 28% of women with children under 18 in the household have temporarily or permanently left the workforce to become a primary caregiver to children compared to 10% of men. The cost of childcare is one of the top reasons women leave the workplace. Approximately 55% of families report spending at least $10,000 annually on childcare. Organizations who offer childcare and elder care assistance are more likely to retain women. Providing extended leave time with the ability for the employee to return to a similar role helps eliminate concerns of unemployment.

DEI Initiatives

Women tend to be more involved in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and seek to foster an inclusive nature. McKinsey’s study revealed that approximately 50% of women say their manager regularly encourages respectful behavior on their team, and less than half say their manager shows interest in their career and helps them manage their workload. Organizations need to provide training and resources to managers so they can become stronger leaders instead of managers. Management needs to be cognizant of their team’s needs. Identify where challenges are manifesting and openly discuss internal and external resources to facilitate women’s evolution within their jobs.

Strengthen Relationships

Setting weekly or bi-weekly check-ins is a way to strengthen the professional relationship. Open communication with managers helps women convey concerns, proactively identify signs of burnout, and evaluate workload manageability. The past two years have lit the fuse to ignite a population of employees experiencing burnout. Providing managers with the skill set they need to identify ways to motivate, encourage and mentor their teams will benefit everyone. Women seek employers that support the whole employee, at and outside of work.

3.) Resolve Inequalities

Pay transparency increases trust among employees in an organization if men and women are earning parallel wages. This kind of equity shows a commitment to providing fair compensation to the individual regardless of any protected classification and that compensation is based on the responsibilities of the job and tenets of proven success. Pay equity validates that gender is irrelevant; pay is relative to performance and job duties. When a company provides transparency and equity in pay, it is more likely to retain top performers along with keeping and growing women with leadership potential.

Unconscious Bias

Create a work environment that is amicable, not adversarial, towards women. This will continue to support women at work. In the past two years, women have been 1.5 times as likely, compared to men in parallel roles, to leave a job to move to a company that was more committed to DEI initiatives. Ensure that employees understand conscious and unconscious bias, and provide resources to remove bias internally. Gender bias is defined as preferring one gender more than another. Women are often subject to various microaggressions such as being interrupted in meetings and decisions being questioned.


Women of color, disabled women, and LGBTQ+ individuals are more susceptible to being the recipient of micro-aggressions. Discrimination impedes productivity and prevents employees from demonstrating their full potential. Communicate and uphold policies that exclaim that discrimination will not be tolerated.

When teammates can appreciate others’ unique characteristics and talents, the work environment becomes more positive and productive resulting in an employer brand that radiates “this is the best place to work”. Eliminating discrimination will also aid in supporting women at work.

4.) Flexibility

Wearing that superhero cape can be daunting. When an organization instills a flexible work environment, the organization empowers employees to take ownership of tasks and responsibilities.  It also shows that they trust that the work can and will be done. Remote work is not just about removing commute times and providing convenience. McKinsey’s study showed that women who work remotely for part of their work schedule experience fewer micro-aggressions and higher levels of psychological safety.

Psychological Safety

According to Forbes, psychological safety is the ability to show and employ one’s self without fear of negative consequences of self-image, status or career. They feel more comfortable doing their tasks and can complete responsibilities. They don’t need to look over their shoulder or validate their decisions compared to working in-person.

Unfortunately, women who work remotely are at higher risk to be overlooked for promotions and to receive public praise for success. Mentorships are proven means to help employees grow professionally. These and are more often provided to onsite employees as compared to virtual employees. Being remote should not eliminate this professional development opportunity. Virtual female employees should have equal opportunity to establish and maintain professional mentorships.

Performance Reviews

Remote women employees have a higher risk of not receiving proper accolades for successful results. This is because of the “out of sight, out of mind” concept. Performance reviews are often a factor in evaluating current talent for promotions.  At performance evaluation time, it is essential that tasks and results are the items measured – not work location and gender. If managers favor onsite employees’ work compared to remote work, managers are succumbing to bias.

As the new year commences, organizations need to evaluate their strategies in place to assist women in the workforce. Companies that take a genuine interest in the professional development of the women work population will exude success through successful recruitment and higher retention of contributing talent to experience heightened productivity. Women seek a work environment that fuels their internal fire for their ambition. Let this fire burn!

ExactHire Full Service Hiring

At ExactHire, we have a proven process to help employers increase their volume of qualified candidates and quickly hire new employees. Our team takes care of writing and posting job ads, screening applicants, and interviewing candidates. Then we deliver you a list of qualified candidates from which to hire.

If you are a company that needs to grow, but don’t have the time or resources to hire, then allow ExactHire to help!

Contact us here to let us help you hire today!

What Do Job Seekers Want in 2023?

Your company needs to be able to attract and retain top talent if you expect to grow and scale in 2023. Hiring practices and onboarding processes of yesterday won’t necessarily be effective today. And the professionals you need to bring into your organization are going to be more careful about making career shifts. learning about job seekers wants and needs can give you a leg up on competition and put your job posts at the front of peoples wish lists.

Passive and active candidates alike have a new playbook for what they need from their employers. As well as what they will and won’t consider in company culture, benefits, pay, and growth potential. Improving your hiring strategies means understanding what job seekers want most in today’s employment landscape. Here is some of what hiring managers can expect from 2023’s candidate pools.

The DEIB Dynamic

Job seekers will be doing their homework on potential employers before they even apply. Companies that don’t have a visible and transparent position on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, or DEIB, will likely be overlooked. Company inclusion is a top priority for candidates who are looking to elevate their careers with best-fit organizations. When your company provides relevant efforts and initiatives that support DEIB in the workplace, you can attract more top-quality candidates in 2023.

The 32-Hour Work Week

There are other trends rooted in surveys and job seeker feedback, including an emerging preference for a 32-hour work week. Forbes shared additional reasoning behind this more commonplace conversation, including an employee preference for less demanding work environments. Work-life balance is a big factor for professionals who are looking to make career changes. And while your company may not be fully prepared to adopt a shortened work week, you can be making improvements that prioritize a less stressful, less demanding work week.

Career Development and Growth Opportunities

Job seekers are looking for employment opportunities that also provide additional learning and growth. There is more value placed on a company that provides various paths for continuing education, professional development, and internal promotion. When crafting your job descriptions and benefits outlines, be sure to include career development initiatives and support your company has to offer as an incentive for job seekers interested in growth.

Tech, Software, and Modern Management Styles

When applicants interview for new positions, they’ll also be looking to identify whether or not the employer is a forward-thinking enterprise in growth mode. They won’t take the leap to join an organization that feels stagnant or is practicing outdated methods. As an employer looking to attract and retain top talent in 2023, be forthcoming about your company’s growth initiatives. Share new technologies or innovations your business has or plans to adopt. Modern management styles, including employee dashboards for HR and companywide suggestion channels, also signal to a potential hire that the company is employee-centric.

Remote and In-Office Flexibility

Be ready to have the interview conversations about remote work flexibilities. Job seekers don’t just prefer work-from-home or hybrid work environments; they’re growing to expect it in 2023. Of course, not every role within your organization can accommodate a remote work structure. However, when employees can work from a home office, it’s best to negotiate a flexible schedule accordingly.

Inspirational Company Culture

Most applicants won’t expect your company to offer bean bag lounge chairs and gaming stations like some of the entities in Silicon Valley do. However, an inspirational company culture is necessary for today’s hiring landscape. It’s not enough to develop a DEIB practice, either. Consider gathering feedback from your existing teams about what they love and maybe don’t love about coming to work. And follow up with your leadership teams about management styles that welcome new ideas, problem-solving, and reporting methods that employees can wholeheartedly get behind in their day-to-day work environments. Make sure your employees feel connected to the brand and know how they individually contribute to the success of the company. Those improvements will attract new candidates who want to be a part of your inspirational work environment.

Valuable Benefits

Consider reviewing your current roster of employee benefits. Are there perks that aren’t being used? Are there incentives that no one seems motivated to get? Today’s job seekers are more precise about what they value as a company benefit. Beyond pay structure and time off, they’ll be looking for customized and more unique company perks, including those relating to:

  • Financial Wellness
  • Family-Friendly Benefits
  • Affordable & All-Inclusive Healthcare
  • Voluntary Benefits

Knowing what job seekers want from their employers in 2023 will help you better prepare to meet those emerging preferences and new standards. Consider these insights as you improve your hiring, onboarding, and retention strategies. And if you need a partner, who can help you change your approach to hiring, let ExactHire be your guide!

Photo by PourquoiPas on pixabay

Improving Your Applicant Screening Process

The growth and success of your company will depend on a few key criteria. While most companies are focusing on innovating products and services, it’s imperative to also review your current methods for screening new candidates. Your applicant screening process plays a pivotal role in whether or not you’re able to hire the staff you need to grow and scale.

Today’s applicants have different expectations and preferences, too. And below are steps that you can consider to ensure your applicant screening process is adapting with those potential top-talent candidates.

Evaluating Your Company’s Current Applicant Screening Process

You can’t make changes to your process without first evaluating its current effectiveness. Consider sitting down with your hiring teams and walking through every stage in the applicant screening process. Review how you craft job descriptions and where you find the most interactions online.

Scrutinize the timelines from application submission to first contact, and from resume evaluation to interview determinations. Look at your current methods of communicating with potential candidates, too. And rely on the feedback of past applicants and human resources hiring staff to help you identify what areas could be improved.

Look for Ways to Improve Efficiencies

Another area of improvement for application screening involves your standard processes. How much time is your team spending reviewing applications? Are they sorting through CVs, and sending individualized correspondence? Are applicants falling through the cracks before they can engage? Are your hiring managers burning out on tedious organizational tasks? Evaluating the step-by-step procedures in place is imperative to spotting inefficiencies. 

One of the most exhausting and resource-consuming processes is interviewing. You can make leaps and bounds improvements when you focus on streamlining your applicant interviewing techniques. Being more selective about which candidates make it to the interview phase is a great first step. Additionally you can also explore other interview aspects, like:

  • Length and Duration of the Interview
  • Number of Interviews Needed
  • Number of Interviewers in Each Engagement
  • Times and Dates Interviews Are Conducted
  • Scope and Line of Questioning

Automating and Simplifying Your Applicant Screening Process

With that list of inefficiencies in mind, you can move forward to leverage automated hiring solutions to help simplify those time-consuming tasks. Incorporating just a few automated responses or calculations in your applicant screening process can save hours of time and thousands of dollars.

However, not all apps and hiring solutions will be conducive to your candidate’s experience. So, be selective about choosing those automations that simplify your process, but also bring value or improvement to how your candidates experience your hiring process.

Effective Applicant Tracking Software

One core solution worth exploring is the effectiveness of your current applicant tracking software. If your ATS doesn’t offer these benefits, it’s likely time for an upgrade. 

  • Robust Advertising Options for Job Postings
  • Mobile Recruiting Solutions
  • Customizable Application Options
  • Background Check Tools
  • Candidate Skills Assessment 
  • HR Compliance and Administration Resources
  • Applicant Communication Solutions
  • Integrated Onboarding Tools
  • Custom Reporting and Analytics

Better Evaluation of Applicant Skills

Screening potential candidates can be another tedious process, subject to personal interpretation, which can lead to inconsistencies in your hiring practices. Consider looking for ways to improve how your team evaluates applicant skills and requirements by leveraging better assessment tools.

Additionally, for many company leaders, it may be time to redefine the skills that matter most to each role. Today’s applicants bring degrees and endorsements, bu they also bring soft skills and experiences that can be equally valuable to your company. Look for ways to level the playing field and make resume comparisons more of an apples-to-apples approach for your hiring managers and recruiters. Create lists of valuable skills to look for, tangible and intangible, to improve how candidates are evaluated in the process.

Communication Strategy Improvements


Keeping applicants engaged, informed, and enticed is paramount if you want to hire today’s top talent (because you can’t screen applicants that leave your process). So if every other aspect of your applicant screening process is buttoned-up and streamlined, you can almost always find additional improvements within your candidate communication efforts.

Consider re-evaluating your communication channels and messaging, and look for better tools and methods of communication. The best-fit candidates will choose to work with a company that over-communicates versus the brand that ghosts them or seems unresponsive, every time. 

The ExactHire Difference

As you seek to spot improvements in your applicant screening process, it can pay big dividends to bring in a professional partner. When you work with ExactHire, you can effectively change your entire approach to hiring. With ongoing metrics and resources to help you improve your applicant tracking and hiring outcomes, you and your teams can remain confident in your processes. 

Contact our team to explore our hiring solutions today! Your company can’t grow without the right people in the right roles. And ExactHire can ensure you find, engage, and hire the people you need to maintain your growth and scaling.

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How to Negotiate Salary

There’s no denying that some people are not comfortable negotiating their salaries after the job search is over and they’ve already landed an opportunity. Some applicants find negotiating salary as a jeopardizing move to the opportunity they’ve gained.

A survey by showed that 38% of people negotiate their salaries while 18% never do. Worse yet is that 44% of respondents acknowledged they have never brought up the topic of a salary raise during performance reviews and appraisal exercises.

When exploring the leading hindrance towards negotiating for a salary raise, we realized it was fear. Most people were afraid of losing the opportunities they worked for. Worse yet, most employees are afraid of getting embroiled in arguments and corporate politics that they’re bound to lose.

Regardless of the reason, failing to negotiate for a salary is bad, but fearing to do so is even worse.

Tips on How to Negotiate Salary

Below we list some strategies and best practices you can use to negotiate your salary.

1.) Know your value

Knowing your value is the first step in negotiating your salary or payment. Always ask for a fair salary for a fair effort. To get the salary you deserve, you need to identify the pay scale of your specific position, in a specific industry, and geographic area.

If you walk into a salary negotiation table without a specific number, you’ll be at the mercy of an experienced HR manager who’ll control the conversation.

So, it’s always advisable to do your due diligence and research keenly to know how much professionals in your specific sector and position earn before negotiating salary.

2.) Talk to recruiters

Another way to research salary negotiations is to pick calls from recruiters. Recruiters know how much people in your industry and position are worth. Recruiters work with a diverse network of professionals, applicants, and job seekers.

So, if someone engages you with a job offer, inquire about the duties, responsibilities, and pay for that position. While you may not obtain a specific number, a pay range is helpful.

3.) Build your case

It’s advisable to demonstrate why you need a specific salary or pay range than just simply quoting figures. That means that once you receive a salary offer, don’t just counter the offer with a higher amount.

Instead, let your research, inspiration, and reasons for a specific salary center on why you think you deserve a particular sum. List your strengths, experience, and qualifications. Build a solid case for why your salary should be reviewed to a higher figure.

4.) Set the bar higher

While negotiating salary, you may be tempted to pick an average offer that seems fiscally convenient or affordable to your employer and great for you as a starter. Don’t be afraid to ask for the best offer.

5.) Know the exact number

Researchers at Columbia Business School say you should ask for a specific number when negotiating your salary – say $75,667 instead of $75,000. It turns out that when job applicants or potential employees ask for a specific salary, they’re likely to get the final offer closer to what they’re hoping for.

That’s because the employer will think you’ve extensively researched salary and pay range to reach that specific figure. So, quoting salaries instead of offering particular ranges gives the impression that you’re aware of salary ranges for specific positions.

6.) Be willing to walk away

When negotiating your salary, set a quote that represents a minimum figure that you’re willing to forego the position if this figure is not attained. This salary figure could be based on market conditions, financial need, or even a desire to feel good about what you’re bringing home. While walking away from a seemingly lucrative offer may not be easy, it’s critical to know when to do it – and always feel powerful to say ‘no’

7.) Make sure you’re ready!

Ask yourself a few questions before asking for a salary raise.

Have you taken on a few responsibilities since employment? Have you been at work for a year? Do you have a culture of exceeding expectations rather than just meeting them? What special qualifications, skills, or experiences do you have that set you apart?

The answer to all these questions must be ‘yes’ when negotiating for higher pay.

8.) Plan right

It turns out that timing is the perfect thing to do. However, most employees wait until performance review seasons to ask for a pay raise, but by that time, your boss has already decided and outlined what raises will be doled out to specific employees.

Start talking to your boss about salary increments three or four months before appraisals. The bosses decide the budget three to four months before they dole out any pay increments.

9.) Perks and benefits

It’s advisable to factor in perks and benefits when negotiating your salary. That’s because salary negotiation often includes some give-and-take on employee benefits. It’s less costly for an employer to offer flexible work schedules, vacation days, and work-from-home benefits than higher salaries.

So, negotiating your salary goes beyond negotiating your financial or fiscal status. It involves identifying non-fiscal factors like schedules, plans, and programs that best fit your lifestyle, interests, hobbies, and continued professional development.

10.) Know when to wrap it up!

Lastly, know when to wrap it up during salary negotiations. While a reasonable employer or boss won’t withdraw an offer just because you tried to get a higher deal, dragging out the salary negotiation process may disgruntle the hiring manager and begin the relationship on a poor note.

So, if the company can’t meet your salary requirements after a few negotiations, it’s advisable to withdraw and seek better opportunities that meet your compensation expectations.

Otherwise, dragging out salary negotiations may prove counterproductive and potentially jeopardize your offer – no matter how lucrative.


ExactHire is a leading provider of  best-in-class hiring solutions. ExactHire provides robust and versatile hiring and onboarding software to help employers manage the recruitment and onboarding process easily.

ExactHire Full Service Hiring is a great option for employers who don’t have the time or resources to manage an internal hiring process–let our team advertise your open positions, manage applicant communications, screen candidates based on your criteria, and then deliver you qualified best-fit candidates.



How to Reach Passive Job Seekers

At ExactHire, we help employers hire through the use of our software and our team of SHRM certified strategists.  Our solutions are effective for attracting both active and passive job seekers. However, in this post, we will discuss how employers can attract passive job seekers. We’ll do this by defining just who is a passive job seeker, then explore their characteristics and establish how employers can launch an effective recruiting initiative.

Who is a Passive Job Seeker?

Put simply, passive job seekers are individuals who already have a job, but would consider another opportunity if it arises.

Think of them as employees on the go–who can quickly hop to the next opportunity when it shows up. They are not totally satisfied with their current job and constantly have an eye out for new opportunities to grow their career. Research shows that the percentage of passive job seekers is continuing to rise, particularly following the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Characteristics of Passive Job Seekers

Now that we’ve identified who a passive job seeker is,  let’s explore the characteristics and traits of these professionals

1.) Open for contact

As discussed earlier, passive candidates are open for new positions, although they may not actively seek these positions due to present work engagements.

They’re always open to learning about new job openings. They’re willing to hear about job offers–bonuses, packages, and new roles. However,  since they are not actively searching for new opportunities, their interest must be triggered by job ads or direct contact.

Therefore, if you’re looking for passive job seekers, consider being actively engaged in finding them. Inquire from colleagues or others in your network whether there are talented professionals who’d be open to working in a different set-up..

2.) Have individual ambition

Passive job seekers are in a better position than most job seekers. That’s because they already have a job; they’re just seeking new opportunities and greener pastures.

Because they’re in a good position, it’s critical to give them an offer they cannot turn down. Professional and personal development motivate some candidates. Others are inspired by a flexible work schedule that supports a positive work-life balance. Others also prefer better payments and better perks. Sometimes targeting passive job seekers is about a fit between personal and company culture.

According to research by Glassdoor, below are five main factors that make professionals likely to show interest in a job offer:

  • Better payments and perks – 48%
  • Better, convenient access or easy commute – 47%
  • High salaries – 46%
  • Work-life-balance – 43%
  • Work-from-home flexibility – 41%

3.) Long-term thinking

Passive job seekers have a long-term thinking mindset. They think of the future and aren’t satisfied with short-term gains over long-term rewards. Their desire to grow and eventually realize their careers. Sometimes realizing their long-term goals may constitute finishing their education first or gaining more experience.

Either way, employers targeting passive job seekers must consider their long-term strategy. The fact that they’re seeking better opportunities is a clear indication of their plans and futuristic mindset. Giving passive job seekers clear opportunities for career growth and recognizing their life-long priorities is a great way of reaching out to them.

4.) Need to be updated

Passive job seekers like to stay updated. And as you embark on reaching out to them, it’s critical to lay a foundation of close contact. Try to establish rapport with them by establishing avenues for contact and interaction – whether online or offline.

For instance, you may build rapport with someone who’s interested but not ready to switch up to a new role just yet. If this happens, it’s advisable to keep in close contact with the candidate for future openings.

By keeping in contact, the professional may be able to make a change when the time is right. Keeping in close contact helps monitor your target job seeker even as time changes.

Why would you want a passive job seeker over an active one?

There are many reasons why organizations and recruiters prefer passive job seekers over active ones:

  • They’re passionate about development and growth. Their passion for growth and professional development implies that your organization can grow with people with a ‘growth’ mindset.
  • Won’t come without a reason. Passive job seekers won’t come to your organization without a reason. These job candidates need incentives for them to consider alternative positions.
  • Choose your organization. Passive job seekers take the time to study your organization. They’re keen to learn the dynamics that make your organization stand out. Because they have a clear goal to achieve, passive job seekers are critical of your organization.
  • Less time pressure. Active job seekers are pressured by time and situation. That means they’re less likely to be critical about their job preferences, which will have long-term implications on job satisfaction levels. Passive job seekers have less time pressure, meaning they’re positioned to make good career decisions.
  • Strong relationship before hiring. When targeting passive job seekers, you’ll find competent candidates who are interested, but not ready to leave their current positions. That is an excellent opportunity for you to build rapport with them and establish a relationship.

Focusing attention on passive job seekers gained momentum in the early 2010’s. Changing job patterns and shifting workplace dynamics have shifted the focus, allowing recruiters to focus their efforts on both active and passive candidates.

ExactHire – Streamlining Your Search for Passive Job Seekers

Whether you’re looking for active or passive candidates, ExactHire provides customizable software solutions that help streamline your hiring. ExactHire provides applicant tracking software, employee onboarding software, and employee assessment software to improve your hiring outcomes.

Rather not implement software? ExactHire Full Service Hiring is a solution for employers who don’t have the time or resources to manage a hiring process. Our team will advertise your open positions, manage applicant communications, screen candidates based on your criteria, and then deliver you qualified best-fit candidates.

What is Fair Chance Hiring?

Please note:  The ExactHire team is not legal counsel, and we do not offer legal advice, so any questions regarding your company’s eligibility for exemption with the “Ban the Box” or FCA legislation and/or proper verbiage for your company’s employment application(s) should be discussed with your company’s legal counsel.

To understand Fair Chance Hiring, you first need to understand the United States incarceration problem. The United States has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Today, the number of incarcerations stands slightly over 70 million.

Sometimes, a criminal record can follow a reformed criminal for years. Making them feel physically and financially imprisoned long after serving their sentence.

Formerly incarcerated persons are no different from other Americans. They have the right to get a job, secure employment, and enjoy financial security and sustainability.

Previously incarcerated persons need to earn a living, support families, and feel they positively impact society. Being part and parcel of a thriving society helps reduce recidivism.

Unfortunately, having a criminal record often presents a demoralizing reality to past offenders. Due to their criminal history, past offenders are likely to be ruled out during interview and hiring processes. A study by Harvard University has shown that a criminal record interferes with an offender’s future job prospects. Having a criminal record reduces an employer’s call-back rate by half. Offenders are also likely to be ruled out in interview processes even when qualified.

These factors are the fuel behind the Fair Chance Hiring Act.

Fair Chance Hiring

The Fair Chance Act, or FCA, is based on the premise that everyone, regardless of their past criminal history, should have a chance to be employed if they are qualified for a position that they are applying for. The Fair Chance Hiring Act deems everyone equal and worthy to be assessed for positions they are qualified for and proficient in.

What are the benefits of fair chance hiring?

Companies and organizations that embrace fair chance hiring have an opportunity to expand their talent pool. They can also better understand their markets and customers–and achieve improved customer outcomes. So if you’re looking to bridge market and customer gaps, fair chance hiring may help you do just that.

Diversity and inclusivity

Although most organizations want to build a diverse workforce, conversations about inclusivity often stop at gender, race, and orientation. The conversation needs to extend to persons with criminal histories to build really inclusive workforces. Fair chance hiring helps organizations create a diverse and inclusive workforce by expanding the definition of a diverse talent pool.

Competitive positioning

In times of low unemployment, it’s a candidate’s responsibility to play the field and identify the most rewarding opportunities. Low unemployment rates mean job candidates will try out many job opportunities before deciding which one is ideal for them. This situation makes it hard for organizations to find, train, and keep new hires quickly and efficiently.

Fair chance hiring practices expand your reach to potential candidates that your competitors may not consider. And since persons with criminal histories have a challenging time finding jobs, you might not deal with a drawn-out hiring process, or deal with high turnover rates.

Better ROI for hiring

According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, 80% of managers acknowledged that the value brought by persons with a criminal history is equal to that of workers with no criminal history.

Another study by the John Hopkins Hospital found out that after four years, workers with a criminal history had 44% better retention rates than persons without a criminal past. John Hopkins Hospital has employed persons with criminal past since 2000, making it a trendsetter in the fair chance hiring discourse.

But how does that translate into a better ROI for hiring? When hiring, companies my feel the need to spend excessively on recruitment by sponsoring job posts to beat our the competition. When onboarding, organizations will spend a significant amount of money hiring and training, which is a wasted if the new hire hops to another workplace. Fair chance hiring practices can offer a better return on investment by reducing the need to spend on recruitment and producing candidates that are appreciative of the employment opportunity and will therefore stay longer.

How do Companies Utilize Fair Chance Hiring?

Hiring persons with criminal records helps reduce recidivism rates, keeping past offenders from conflicts with the criminal justice systems. However, hiring persons with criminal histories isn’t just good for society; it has multiple business benefits.

Here are some key ways companies make good use of fair chance hiring practices:

  • Large talent pool. Businesses that use fair chance hiring have a more diverse talent pool in their pipeline. Fair chance hiring allows organizations to expand their search, accessing sometimes hidden talent and ingenious skills from formerly incarcerated persons.
  • Engagement rates. According to a study by Checkr, fair chance candidates outperform other candidates in engagement and trust by 30%. Organizations seeking to foster a strong work culture must include past offenders in their hiring talent pipelines.
  • Reduced turnover rates. Organizations that use high-volume hiring are victims of high turnover rates. Hospitality, retail, and construction are some of the most affected sectors by high turnover rates. Luckily, studies have shown that employees with past criminal histories are more loyal to their employers. And based on a published survey, employers who’ve hired fair chance workers have positive remarks about this talent pipeline.
  • Diversity and inclusion. Organizations are moving towards sustainability. There are many ways to examine sustainability, including environmental and social wellbeing. A crucial part of sustainability efforts is ensuring and upholding fundamental human rights, including the right to fair treatment regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion – and criminal history.

Needless to say, hiring fairly is hiring diversely; organizations that hire formerly incarcerated workers enjoy diversity and inclusivity because they welcome candidates that are often marginalized and locked out of other job opportunities.

Today, more than ever, organizations have a clear chance to right a systemic wrong by simply acknowledging there’s an unfair playing field in the recruitment space. And by giving all applicants an equal chance, organizations can pursue short-term and long-term business gains.

How to Incorporate Fair Chance Hiring in your Organization

Looking beyond a criminal record can be challenging, especially for human resource and talent acquisition managers. Here are a few suggestions to get everyone on board in your organization with a fair chance hiring program.

Educate yourself and your team about the FCA

You must educate yourself and your team on the fair chance hiring act and best practices. When deploying fair chance hiring programs in your organization, start by educating hiring managers and HR personnel on the challenges faced by persons with past criminal histories. For instance, you can share existing statistics on criminal records and define the challenges experienced by formerly incarcerated persons.

The best practices in this step include:

  • Training all personnel involved in the hiring processes
  • Eliminating exclusions of persons with any type of criminal history
  • Eliminating and avoiding questions about past incarcerations in interview processes
  • Developing evidence-based policies for evaluating candidates with a past criminal history
  • Limiting questions about an applicant’s criminal history to what’s stringently related to employment situations or business performance
  • Keeping applicant’s information confidential

Organizations must be steadfast to implement fair chance hiring practices.

Focus on a candidate’s potential

It’s crucial to look at a candidate’s potential as opposed to their criminal history. While the criminal past may present realities about whom you’re working with, you may fail to notice a change of behavior or undermine their abilities if you consider criminal history as an overarching assessment metric. So, focus on a candidate’s potential and proficiency as opposed to their past criminal history.

Evaluate candidates based on roles

It’s critical to ensure you’re only looking at past criminal behavior as it relates to the job at hand or the nature of business operations. For instance, an organization dealing with cash, sensitive customer information, or confidential business transactions may reserve the right not to employ formerly incarcerated persons for genuine, tangible reasons.

However, organizations failing to employ candidates with past criminal histories for purposes other than the above violate the fair chance hiring act.

The EEOC calls out three metrics known as the Green Factors for determining whether or not a person’s criminal past is relevant to the job position at hand.

These factors include:

  • Nature, conduct, and gravity of the offense
  • The time that has elapsed since the offense or completion of the jail sentence
  • The nature of the job sought or held

Organizations must ensure they satisfy the above requirements before ruling out qualified candidates based on criminal histories.

Why Was the Fair Chance Act Passed?

The Fair Chance to Compete for Jobs Act, otherwise referred to as the Fair Chance Act, was passed on December 17th, 2019, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The below section demonstrates the key provision of this ‘ban the box’ act and its implications on the employment of persons with criminal histories.

The key provisions of the Fair Chance Act FCA include:

  • Federal agencies and federal civilian contractors will not request information on conviction history from applicants before a conditional job offer is passed to the job candidate.
  • Law enforcement agencies with access to confidential information such as criminal justice histories are exempted by law from discriminating against candidates based on protected information.
  • The US Office of Personnel Management OPM will use the policies and regulations implementing features of the Fair Chance Act FCA to be adopted by the General Services Administration and other oversight authorities.
  • The oversight agencies will establish procedures directing private contractors and job applicants to file complaints against violators of the Fair Chance Act 2019.
  • Another provision of the Fair Chance Act is that stringent and escalating penalties will be issued after a formal written warning to a Federal Agency representative violating this law. Federal Agencies will suspend payments or salaries to employers until the employer complies with the FCA law. But this depends on the severity of their violation.

The Fair Chance Act will begin two years after enactment, which means that as of 2021, the law came into effect, changing what has been once a discriminatory employment landscape for past offenders.

Who Benefits from Fair Chance Hiring?

Individuals, private organizations, and contractors benefit from the fair chance hiring act. For instance, organizations can take advantage of fair hiring to complement their mass hiring efforts, thus meeting short-term labor demands and navigating an unpredictable labor market.

In addition, governments can take advantage of fair chance hiring to create employment for past offenders and reduce recidivism rates. Government contractors and civil servant agencies can benefit from the wealth of knowledge past offenders have, especially relating to correction and post-jail adjustment.

ExactHire – Your Partner in the Adoption of Fair Chance Hiring

Are you an individual, organization, or institution looking to use fair chance hiring? Well, don’t worry. At ExactHire, we help you customize your recruitment, application, and screening process to align with your hiring priorities and strategy.

Take the first step, by scheduling a demo today.