Entries by Christa Wynk

Hiring Software Works For Internships

I can’t believe it’s already November! Fall is in full swing and school is back in session. I love this time of year, cool crisp weather and football all weekend! Unfortunately, time flies and seasons change! Before you know it, it will be full blown holiday season…is your company ready? Do you offer internships through […]

3 Tips to Engage Your Applicants During the Hiring Process

Any decent recruiter knows that it is critical to have an active pool from which to source candidates for jobs, but that doesn’t just mean a large number of any past job applicants. A truly good applicant pool includes applicants that are interested in future positions with your organization and have the qualifications required. Here […]

How Do You Assess Employees On The Job?

Well, this blog about assessing employees hits home as I just had my one-year work anniversary with ExactHire. I love my job, by the way, and wish everyone could enjoy coming to work as much as I do! (I am not kissing up because I have already had my annual review!) But, it brings up […]

4 Steps For Job Seekers To Better Engage New Employers

Are you a job seeker that is getting back into the work force? Or, maybe you lost your previous job and are still searching for the next position. Either way, your chances of landing your next great position are dramatically improved if you can undergo an honest assessment of your skill set, identify any gaps […]

5 Reasons Why Companies Need Human Resources

I was talking with a friend yesterday who does “life coaching,” and she asked a great question … “Why do you like your job so much?” My answer was simple…ExactHire is a small company so everyone here has to wear many different “hats” and no day is ever the same. We have fun together and […]

Hiring Technology In Layman’s Terms

When I hired on at ExactHire, I honestly had NO idea what this company did. I had never dealt with applicant tracking systems and onboarding before. These were words that might as well have been foreign! To make it more interesting, my family and friends wanted to hear all about my new job and what […]