Employee Recognition

The Fall season has officially begun, and that means the holiday season is on the horizon. With the hustle and bustle of seasonal events, this is a prime opportunity for company leadership to show their gratitude for their employees who work diligently to help the company achieve its goals.  Inflation and other rising costs make it more challenging to effectively show gratitude through financial means. But there are other opportunities for employee recognition! While employees appreciate financial rewards, monetary gifts are not the only way for company leadership to show gratitude.  Depending on the financial status of an organization, consider tokens of appreciation in addition or in lieu of financial rewards. Here are ten no-cost or low-cost employee appreciation methods to consider:


Time is of the Essence 


The holiday season brings a myriad of extra outside events that employees seek time to attend. Whether it is for travel, attending concerts or parties, watching school events or simply extra time to decompress from the season’s faster pace, allowing employees additional time off during the holiday season is a strong show of employee recognition. It is a win-win for the employee and the company as employees appreciate the extra time, and companies gain more satisfied employees.  Consider giving the day off before and/or after travel or holidays.  Allow the employee to choose a designated day(s) off of their choice.  Communicate this gift early so employees can give adequate notice of when they want to use the extra time off so companies can plan accordingly. 


Be Flexible with Flexible Scheduling


Flexibility in scheduling is a welcome gift to employees.  Allow employees to take a longer lunch to volunteer or get errands and appointments completed. Adjust morning arrival or evening departure times so employees can get extra time for themselves. For those employees who are not remote, provide the opportunity, if feasible, for them to work at home or at a different location. With the multitude of ways to keep in contact with employees, work location is not an insurmountable challenge for employees to maintain productivity.  Shifting work times to accommodate employees’ personal schedules promotes a work-life balance and goes a long way in employee recognition.    


I am Thankful for You


Too often, employees are unaware of or doubt their contributions and worth within a company.  These feelings often lead to employees exploring new employment opportunities. Reduce the chance of employees seeking new environments by simply showing some employee recognition.  Communicate appreciation of employees publicly and privately.  While email and text are quick ways to communicate, giving a person a card with a handwritten thank you message is meaningful. Highlight special attributes and contributions each employee has made to show how each employee is an integral part of the team puzzle. Consider including stickers with motivational quotes and/or the company’s mission for use on devices as a visual reminder.   


Keep Your Head in the Word Clouds


Take a different spin on number three by listing positive characteristics about teammates in a word cloud.  There are a variety of free online websites that allow the user to create a word cloud full of positive, descriptive words about a person.  For each teammate, print the word cloud on high quality cardstock or canvas, and give that to them.  It is a positive reminder that all of us have worth and value to others. 


Be Charitable


Benevolence is a quality to admire. Many individuals would prefer not to receive a gift themselves but have an employer’s act of kindness be given elsewhere. With this in mind, leadership should consider making a charitable donation to a cause in honor of the employee.  By helping others, we often help ourselves.


Make It a Meal


Getting the team together can be difficult. As a thank you to employees, cater lunch onsite. Try local venues or different cuisines. Employees save money and time by not going out to eat or preparing a lunch the night before to bring the next day.  Catered meals allow different shifts to eat at their times, and more importantly, it gives employees a chance to socialize with each other and strengthen relationships.  Include remote employees through video conferencing and provide a stipend so they can get lunch provided by the company.  


Get Your Swag On


One of the best ways to show company spirit is to demonstrate company pride through swag.  Wearing logoed attire or using logoed beverage bottles and cups visibly promote a company. Shirts and jackets, water bottles, and phone chargers are popular gifts, but make sure the swag item is something employees value.  Consider sending a survey to employees to acquire ideas of what they really want, and use those results when ordering. 


And the Theme Is…?


Generate fun in the office and remote environments with a thematic concept.  Have theme days like “Motivation Monday” where employees can share positive comments, experiences and examples within the work environment. Consider food theme days like “Taco Tuesday” and bring a taco bar onsite for employees’ lunches.  Set up a beverage bar where employees can help themselves to coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. For remote employees, include them by providing a stipend so they can buy something related to that theme. Decorate the work environment with a particular theme…sports, beach, college, etc., and motivate remote employees to do the same. These little things go a long way in employee recognition. Empower employees by seeking their voices in what they would like to see. Encourage, but do not require, participation.  Fun disappears when employees are required to do events they do not feel comfortable participating in.   


Vol nteer – What’s Missing? U!


Do good for your local community.  Find a cause in the community that needs support, and give that cause a gift of volunteer time. Have a toy drive to collect new toys and books for kids during the holiday season. Go shopping together to pick out toys and books with money donated.  Host a food drive and help sort items at the pantry. Mentor students. No matter the cause selected locally, offer time for remote employees to volunteer with an organization of their interest. 


Game Days


Need a break for an hour during the workday?  Host a trivia contest or have a board game marathon. Prizes, such as company swag and gift cards are possibilities, but consider certificates or a “workplace trophy” that can be passed among employees.  Remote employees who win these events can be publicly acknowledged and still receive congratulatory tokens. Never underestimate the title of “Trivia Champion” and its importance to some employees.  


Take these ideas, and adapt them for your work culture. employee recognition is not something to be glossed over. Ensure that rewards are applicable for onsite and remote workers.  If employees are accustomed to financial rewards but are not going to receive them this year due to financial constraints, communicate that early so employees are not counting on a holiday bonus.  No matter the gift, it is important for leadership to express gratitude for employees not just during the holiday season but throughout the year. When employees feel appreciated and valued, this leads to increased employee loyalty and retention. Expressing genuine appreciation and gratitude boosts the creation and continuance of a positive work culture making the company a preferred place to work in the eyes of current and potential employees.

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