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Briljent is the Czech word for “brilliant,” and it describes the type of services and solutions this consulting firm offers its clients on a daily basis. Founded in 1998, Briljent has quickly grown from a staff of 6 to over 100 employees based in Indiana and Illinois. The leadership at Briljent cultivates a culture of integrity and diligence as the foundation of its work. And they do this by attracting and hiring talented, like-minded individuals to meet the unique needs of its clients. ExactHire is proud to support Briljent’s hiring goals by providing  an ATS to optimize its hiring and reporting processes.


Fort Wayne, IN




State/Local Government
Federal Government

Hiring The Best And Meeting Compliance Reporting Requirements

Consulting Firm Leverages Technology to Manage Growth With ExactHire ATS

Tricia Casey
Talent Manager


Briljent experienced fast growth when it began to service government contracts. The size of these projects required a considerable amount of new hiring, and with that, additional compliance requirements and reporting. To manage the volume of hiring, maintain compliance, and accurately report to federal agencies, Briljent needed a solution that addressed its needs and could be implemented quickly.


Briljent invested in ExactHire Applicant Tracking System as a solution to support its high-volume hiring and compliance reporting needs.


With ExactHire ATS, Briljent was able to quickly implement a solution that made it easier to hire the best applicants and meet compliance reporting that was vital to keeping up with its rapid growth.

The Challenge

Hire Quickly. Meet Compliance Regulations. Maintain Unique Culture.

After starting as a small consulting firm, Briljent earned a number of large federal contracts that required it to drastically increase the size of its staff. As a company that was founded on integrity and diligence, it could not compromise its culture for quickly hiring just anyone. It needed a way to maintain its hiring principles, while also quickly filling positions and meeting compliance reporting requirements that came with the federal contracts.

“For Briljent, we are a small consulting firm. And initially there was not a solid infrastructure for hiring larger numbers in diversified roles. As we began to grow, and primarily when we became a federal contractor, it became obvious we needed a solution both for efficiency and to comply with federal regulations.”

–Tricia Casey, Talent Manager at Briljent

The Solution

Expand search, Assess for fit, Integrate reporting

Briljent invested in ExactHire as a solution to support its high-volume hiring and compliance reporting needs. With the system’s compliance reporting feature, important compliance data was recorded automatically and available to system administrators at a moment’s notice.

“When our needs grew, we moved to ExactHire, which allowed exponentially more options, functionality, and efficiencies. It gave us the ability to attract more candidates and monitor the comings and goings of more positions. It was incredibly helpful for us.”

–Tricia Casey, Talent Manager at Briljent

The Result

Sustained Growth, Compliance, and Culture

Maintaining a unique work culture in the midst of fast growth is no easy task. When fast growth is accompanied by additional compliance regulations, the task could very easily overwhelm even the best Human Resources professionals. However, with ExactHire ATS, Briljent was able to quickly implement a solution that made it easier to complete compliance reporting, while also providing its HR department with the tools needed to hire the best applicants for its open positions and unique work culture.

“The thing that really solidified our relationship with ExactHire was the time that they took to meet with me on more than one occasion because I needed to ensure the transition was really smooth. The support at ExactHire has been phenomenal. In terms of what I can find in the Knowledge Base, and also anytime I reach out and ask for help–via email or phone–the customer service goes above and beyond.”

—-Tricia Casey, Talent Manager at Briljent

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